US bishops claim $750K grant to pro-LGBT org does not violate Catholic teaching

A week and a half ago, the Lepanto Institute published an article illustrating the rampant promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism by an organization called the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN). The US Conference of Catholic Bishops' anti-poverty program, Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is providing a strategic grant of $750,000 to ISN over the next three years.
A supporter of the Lepanto Institute contacted the USCCB to ask why the CCHD is providing three-quarters of a million dollars to an organization so steeped in the promotion of grave sin and depravity. Alexandra Carroll, the USCCB's Communications Manager for Social Mission, responded by claiming that ISN had not violated Catholic teaching, and in fact asserted that ISN's pro-LGBT conferences to high school children and young adults confirmed with the Catechism's admonition that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided" [Catechism 2358].
Carroll's response, which is provided in full at the end of this article, begins with an attempt to provide credentials that would indicate the merits of the organization itself. For instance, Carroll says:
ISN has been working … in partnership with the Society of Jesus as well as the larger Church — including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops through their core membership with the Justice for Immigrants Campaign, as well as Church leaders like Bishop Gorge Murry, SJ.
At the outset, this would seem like more of an indictment of the organization than an acquittal. But it is interesting to note that in mentioning Bp. Murry, Carroll fails to mention that another prominent Jesuit has worked very closely with ISN, and that is the notorious Fr. James Martin, SJ. The agenda in this grant is already quite evident.
But in the second paragraph of Carroll's response, she explains very clearly how the $750,000 grant will help expand ISN's push for homosexual and transsexual inclusion in the Church. She says:
Through their Strategic National Grant, ISN will be enabled to significantly expand their advocacy capacity — forming leaders, networking and animating Jesuit institutions, and building on the success of existing ISN programs such as the Campaign for Hospitality and the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice.As we explained in our initial article on this grant, ISN's Ignatian Family Teach-In is the program through which ISN has been promoting homosexuality and transgender ideologies to young people.
For instance, in 2018, ISN's Teach-In workshop titled, "Transgender Voices in the Church," which was convened by the Vatican-condemned New Ways Ministry, specifically states its intention to send participants away with resources for conducting transgender activism. The description for this workshop says:
Catholics increasingly face questions of transgender inclusion, intersecting with issues like race and sexual orientation that compound marginalization. This interactive session will examine how trans voices are both present and silent in our communities. Participants will leave with resources for building trans justice in their communities.
So, as it stands, CCHD fully acknowledges and admits that the $750k collected from pew-sitting Catholics is going directly to conference workshops just like this one.
And appallingly, the CCHD claims that workshops such as this are NOT contrary to Catholic teaching. Carroll wrote:
On June 20, 2019, the Lepanto Institute published an article citing several allegations regarding speakers, workshops, blog posts regarding the homosexual activity. The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) was not encouraging or promoting anything contrary to Catholic teaching. The topics and workshops were designed to inspire inclusion and safety for those who are physically or emotionally threatened for being LGBT, in line with the Catechism's instruction that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided" (2358).
Where does one even begin with this? To claim that providing workshops to impressionable high school and college students that indoctrinate them in transgender activism is NOT "contrary to Catholic teaching" is nothing short of a lie! While Carroll cites the Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 2358 that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their [meaning homosexual] regard should be avoided," she completely ignores the preceding entry (2357) which states:
Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.
At a conference where homosexuals are proclaiming their own homosexuality and encouraging others to "come out," and where students are being trained in transgender activism, it is abundantly clear that this organization is directly violating the Catechism where it says, "Under no circumstances can they be approved."
The situation here couldn't be more clear … the CCHD is attempting to redefine Church teaching regarding homosexuality and it is attempting to advance the false notion that all discrimination against sexual deviants is to be avoided. The truth, however, is that the Catechism's admonition against discrimination is qualified with the word "unjust," which infers that there is a justified form of discrimination. For instance, as a parent, I would never allow my children to attend a transgender story-hour at a library, nor would I allow a homosexual couple to babysit. As a parent, my first obligation is to preserve and protect the purity and innocence of my children, which means I must discriminate against those whose pose a threat to these things, including those claiming to be homosexual or transgender.
This grant by the CCHD is not only in direct conflict with Catholic moral teaching, but it poses a clear and present danger to Catholic parents everywhere! The reasoning employed by the CCHD in support of these perverted workshops leads to the conclusion that justice somehow demands participatory inclusion and embrace of those who are living lives in accord with one of the four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.
Therefore, the Lepanto Institute is reiterating its call to bishops to demand that this grant be rescinded and those responsible for making it and utilizing false arguments in favor of it be fired immediately.
Here is the USCCB's response in full:
All Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) funded initiatives have gone through a thorough application process and are groups we believe reflect the social teaching of the Catholic Church. This organization, the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) has been working for over 15 years to network, educate, and form advocates for social justice animated by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the witness of the Jesuit martyrs of El Salvador and their companions. This work happens in partnership with the Society of Jesus as well as the larger Church—including the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops through their core membership with the Justice for Immigrants Campaign, as well as Church leaders like Bishop Gorge Murry, SJ who recently spoke at one of ISN's gatherings on racism.
The project that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is funding strictly involves immigration and migration work and is granted on a go-forward basis. CCHD recognizes the dire circumstances associated with immigration and migration and has engaged a leader with a sizable network to help organize, and strengthen the churches work. Through their Strategic National Grant, ISN will be enabled to significantly expand their advocacy capacity — forming leaders, networking and animating Jesuit institutions, and building on the success of existing ISN programs such as the Campaign for Hospitality and the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice. The ultimate goal of these grant-funded efforts is the development of a broader network of individuals, many of whom will be immigrants themselves, and institutions dedicated to standing with and supporting immigrant communities and passage of humane comprehensive immigration reform.
On June 20, 2019, the Lepanto Institute published an article citing several allegations regarding speakers, workshops, blog posts regarding homosexual activity. The Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN) was not encouraging or promoting anything contrary to Catholic teaching. The topics and workshops were designed to inspire inclusion and safety for those who are physically or emotionally threatened for being LGBT, in line with the Catechism's instruction that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided" (2358).
Catholics can be confident that the Catholic Campaign for Human Development does not fund groups that violate the moral teaching of the Church. In the rare case where a group subsequently violates the explicit conditions of its grant by engaging in such activity, funding is immediately terminated.
Attached is a document of commonly asked questions about the CCHD grant and review process that may help to answer any questions you may have.
The content on this webpage may also be able to provide some additional insight: //
Published with permission from the Lepanto Institute.