LGBTQ demand safe places

LGBTQ want to rid society of the Bible because it condemns them and they want to feel safe from discrimination, hate, and prejudice. They claim every time the Bible is quoted in love regarding sexual sin young kids will suicide. That is a false threat.
They question the veracity and legitimacy of only the verses in the Bible that condemn them. They demand to have churches that are gay-friendly like CofE which has folded to the pressure of LGBTQ activist.
So who else wants no condemnation, safe places to practice their behavior?
All those Bible verses about sexual sin and immorality must be expunged to not offend. Just think how many people feel bad when they see those verses! We need to create safe spaces for adulterers, liars, cheats, greedy, drunkards, swindlers, slanderers and fornicators and those into polyamory and incest and even bestiality. It is time to stop offending people and give them equality and respect.