LGBT activists are labeling the Oscars a huge victory, but most aren’t watching
After months of endless, unsurprising news about sexual predation, pedophilia, and perfidy in Hollywood, the American public has lost interest in the self-congratulatory Academy Awards telecast.
The number of Oscar Awards viewers plummeted precipitously, dropping a whopping 16 percent from last year.
While the American public is disinterested in actors moralizing acceptance speeches – and industry execs are troubled, if not panicked, over declining numbers – one group couldn’t be happier.
The gay/transgender world is giddy because it perceives some of the awards handed out last night to be victories for the homosexual and transgender causes.
“On Sunday evening, ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel dropped an absolute stinker of a performance – bland, flat, and politically correct,” wrote Ben Shapiro at The Wire. “But he did drop one joke that landed: a joke targeting Vice President Mike Pence, but accidentally exposing Hollywood for what it is. Noting that many of the nominated films were seen by virtually no one, Kimmel stated, ‘That’s not the point. We don’t make films like Call Me By Your Name for money. We make them to upset Mike Pence.’”
“Kimmel told the truth, which is why his joke landed,” explains Shapiro. “Hollywood does greenlight films so that its creators can brag to each other at cocktail parties about how much they ticked off Mike Pence. The dirty little secret is that the more they tick off Mike Pence, the fewer Americans overall bother watching the messages they’re so eager to dispense.”
Call Me By Your Name
Call Me By Your Name, while promoted as a beautiful gay love story, is actually better understood as a promotion for pedophilia, as a relationship between a teenaged boy and 24 year old man turns sexual.
While Call Me by Your Name lost its Best Movie bid, gay writer James Ivory won Best Adapted Screenplay for his work on the film.
During his acceptance speech, Ivory said “whether gay, straight, or somewhere in between,” the experience of first love is universal.

Perhaps the most problematic component of this movie is that the seventeen-year-old’s father expresses his approval for his son’s sexual relationship with an older man. He laments with regret having forgone similar opportunities when he was his son’s age.
This is meant to establish a new baseline of normalcy for parents, nudging them to second guess their natural protective instincts to save their kids from men who would happily invade and end their sons’ and daughters’ innocence.
Judging by the dearth of ticket sales, American parents aren’t buying the pro-pederast message the movie is selling.

Coco, a cartoon movie produced by Disney’s Pixar, won the award for Best Animated Feature.
Accepting the award were “out” producer Darla K. Anderson and “out” co-director Adrian Molina. Molina thanked “my family, my Latino community, to my husband Ryan,” according to the GLAAD report.
Similarly, Anderson said, “Coco is proof that art can change and connect the world and this can only be done when we have a place for everyone and anyone who feels like an ‘other’ to be heard. This is dedicated with enormous love to my gigantic, interwoven family and most especially, my wife, my rock Kori Rae.”
A Fantastic Woman
A headline at the gay media outlet The Advocate screamed, “A Fantastic WomanMakes Trans History at Oscars.” The movie won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.
The transgender world sees this a double victory: “The production is the first film with a main transgender storyline, and starring an out transgender actress, to win at the Academy Awards,” according to The Advocate report.
The Shape of Water
Best Picture was awarded to The Shape of Water, which was lauded by GLAAD for featuring Richard Jenkins as gay character.

This science-fiction fairy tale is a “love story” between a mute woman and an amphibious fish creature, who, old movie buffs will notice, looks almost exactly like the creature from the Black Lagoon, except with a more approachable personality.
Hollywood’s ‘Perfect Man’
Host Jimmy Kimmel suggested that The Shape of Water marks “the year men screwed up so badly, women starting dating fish.”
During the awards ceremony, host Jimmy Kimmel pointed to a big Oscar statuette on the stage and said he was “Hollywood’s perfect man.”
Kimmel said, “[he] keeps his hands where you can see them, never says a rude word, and, most importantly, no penis at all. He is literally a statue of limitations.”
Going a step further than celebrating the Oscar eunuch as “Hollywood’s perfect man,” the industry insider publication, The Hollywood Reporter (THR) took it a step further and pondered “what if the iconic statuette were a woman?”
In a short video, THR showed what happened when it “commissioned A-list artists, sculptors and designers to reinterpret the coveted gold statuette for the #MeToo era.”