Is transgender a new religion?

Disagreement with pro- LGBT policies quickly gets one branded as anti-science. As Jonah Goldberg points out , this is an example of ideology using the language of science to camouflage itself. It turns out that actual science isn’t much help to transgender advocacy. The American Psychiatric Association ’s DSM V notes gender dysphoria desistence rates of 70 to 97 percent in “natal males” and 50 to 88 percent in “natal females.” The American Psychological Association ’s APA Handbook on Sexuality and Psychology states that the vast majority of gender dysphoric boys and girls accept their birth/chromosomal sex by adolescence or adulthood. University of Toronto psychologist Dr. James Cantor cites three large scale and other smaller studies showing trans-identifying kids will outgrow it 60 to 90 percent of the time. A 2008 study affirmed that 80 to 95 percent of gender dysphoric pre-pubertal children will accept their biological...