Lesbian Married Woman Told the law does not recognize her relationship
They sought out a country that would support their immoral homosexual marriage as it is not legal in Australia. Following the New Zealand wedding Jessica changed her surname to Amanda's so they could both go by Gould. This is where they pretend they have real marriage.
In Australia people who have changed their names after traditional marriage – including overseas traditional marriages – are entitled to a free replacement passport.
But when Gould tried to arrange a complimentary new passport, she was correctly told by an Australian Passport Office (APO) staff member that her marriage could not be classified as married or de facto, as immoral homosexual marriage is not recognized in Australia. LGBTQ will demand everything be changed to suit their immoral purposes. We demand you change the rules - or else you hurt us. They have this we know what we are doing is unacceptable but play the victim I am hurt card.
Gould obviously was not thinking, that just because she believes she is married the rest of Australia must recognize it as marriage. But we don't regardless of what New Zealand says.
The Goulds have lived as a de facto couple for more than two years. Again de-facto lesbian couples holds no status in Australia.

Gi15879022 / Getty Images
Gould says her experience with the APO began on April 6, when she phoned to ask for more information about the free replacement passport service. She was armed with a change of name certificate from the Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, and a foreign marriage certificate, as directed by the APO website.
"I was told that my overseas same-sex marriage did not qualify for a free replacement passport, as the government only recognises 'heterosexual marriage'," Gould said.
After several minutes, Gould said, the male staff member returned to inform her that the relationship didn't qualify as traditional married or traditional de facto, and that she was therefore not entitled to a free replacement passport.

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Homosexuals and Lesbians marriages deserve the same equal recognition as traditional marriage. Yet this is the very disagreement our politicians are correctly disputing. It is not a marriage, it is a trend, against biological design, against evolution, against common sense and it is not marriage regardless of whatever LGBTQ try to say it is.
"You can probably imagine at this point that I was incredibly insulted," Gould said.
"You can probably imagine at this point that I was incredibly insulted," Gould said.
Ivan Hinton-Teoh, a campaigner with Australian LGBTI, "A change to the Marriage Act is the only way to educate our community that LGBTIQ Australians should be treated equally under the law without exception."
So now the LGBTQ want to educate all Australian about their immoral view of marriage, really?
So now the LGBTQ want to educate all Australian about their immoral view of marriage, really?