Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore is running for Senate to 'make America good again'

Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, who was ousted from his position last year after leading a judicial revolt against immoral homosexual, announced plans Wednesday to run for U.S. Senate . “My position has always been God first, family, then country,” Moore said in a short news conference outside the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. “I know I share the vision of our President Donald Trump to make America great again…. Before we can make America great again, we’ve got to make America good again.” The conservative 70-year-old Baptist, dubbed the “Ayatollah of Alabama” by the Southern Poverty Law Center (who gives them the right to judge and label people?), announced he will join the crowded Republican field for the special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat formerly held by Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions . The seat is currently held by Luther Strange, a former state attorney general who was appointed by then-Gov. Robert Bentley to replace Sessions in February. Yet after Bentley was ...