How to lie: Obama in the UK: ‘Some’ people who support bathroom privacy laws are ‘good people’
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Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
President Obama denounced laws in
North Carolina and Mississippi during a trip to Great Britain, adding that
“some” of the people who support those laws are good people. Of course Obama's definition of good is to be questioned.
The UK Foreign Office has issued a
travel advisory to LGBT British citizens visiting North Carolina and
Mississippi after those states passed new laws - one restricting restrooms
and shower facilities
to members of
the same biological sex and
religious freedom.
During a press conference last
Friday with Prime Minister David Cameron, Obama said the two are “beautiful
states” full of “wonderful people,” where visitors from Great Britain would be
treated with "extraordinary hospitality."
However, “the laws that have been
passed there are wrong and should be overturned.”
The laws, he said, had been passed
only “in response to politics in part, and part some strong emotions that are
generated by people, some of whom are good people.”
Supporters of the two popular
measures took umbrage at the president striking out against “commonsense” state
laws while on foreign soil.
“You'd think President Obama would
understand the importance of this protection having two young girls, but
clearly he doesn't prioritize their or any other girls safety in the country,”
Kami Mueller of the North Carolina Values Coalition told LifeSiteNews. “Our leaders in North
Carolina passed H.B. 2 to address this harmful Charlotte bathroom ordinance,
because nearly 70 percent of North Carolinians see the real danger in allowing
grown men to share bathrooms and showers with little girls. It's just common
State residents are concerned that
predators could take advantage of new “civil rights” ordinances by pretending
to be transgender and gain access to females in private settings.
“Abuse and harm is not mere
speculation,” Mueller told LifeSiteNews. “There are documented cases around the
country where men are using laws like the former Charlotte ordinance to gain
access to women's restrooms to harm and even sexually assault young girls.”
In Washington state, biological
males have repeatedly stripped
in front of young girlsas young as
six years old inside
women's locker rooms.
In Canada, where similar policies
have been in effect for years, men have been arrested for posing as
“transgender” to sexually assault women.
“The president should keep his hands
out of the internal affairs of North Carolina,” Mueller added.
The last time President Obama
weighed in on a North Carolina issue in 2012, he said that state
voters should reject Amendment One, the Defense of Marriage Act,
which defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Voters approved
it by a landslide margin of
61 to 39 percent in May 2012.
The president is practiced at
mounting foreign platforms to denounce U.S. laws of which he disapproves. In
2010, he used the first-ever U.S. report to
the UN Human Rights Council to denounce an Arizona law that allowed local officials to help the
federal government enforce existing immigration laws.