Gay Mafia purge the open and inclusive Mozilla CEO fired
Andrew Sullivan, an openly homosexual pundit and influential voice, is anything but pleased about the successful boycott against now-former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich.
In the wake of Eich’s resignation after a targeted campaign over his $1000 donation in 2008 to California’s Proposition 8, Sullivan fears that “gay rights” activists are becoming “bullies.”
Brendan Eich
“If this is the gay rights movement today – hounding our opponents with a fanaticism more like the religious right than anyone else – then count me out,” he wrote Thursday. “If we are about intimidating the free speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies who came before us.”
“Will he now be forced to walk the streets in shame? Why not the stocks?” he asks.
In his article, “The Hounding of a Heretic,” Sullivan writes, “He did not understand that in order to be a CEO of a company, you have to renounce your heresy! There is only one permissible opinion at Mozilla, and all dissidents must be purged! Yep, that’s left-wing liberal tolerance in a nut-shell.”
While Eich had first amendment rights like everyone else, Sullivan points out they were steamrolled by a community that ironically, has in the past lamented their freedom to live out their beliefs.
Sullivan doesn’t want to see the gay rights movement become, as he writes, like the “Christianists” they disdain, but instead to appreciate the gains they have made by letting others safely hold their first amendment rights as well.
“It turn out that Eich might have saved his job had he recanted, like all heretics must,” said Sullivan.