UK gvmt pledges funding for ‘gay rights’ demonstrations at Sochi Olympics
LONDON, January 31, 2014 ( – In the midst of increasing media uproar over the Russian Federation’s “gay propaganda ban,” the UK’s Foreign Ministry has waded in, offering funding to homosexualist activist groups. One week before the start of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Britain’s Culture Secretary Maria Miller said it is “common sense” for the UK to fund Russia’s homosexualists’ demonstrations at the event.
Miller told the BBC, “It’s very important indeed we use the opportunity of the Winter Games to underline the importance of treating people fairly, which is at the heart of the Olympic charter and important to the Olympic movement.”
Numerous pro-homosexual demonstrations are planned as the Sochi Winter Olympics begin next week.
She said that the law has placed, “considerable strains on gay rights.”
“We are already putting in place additional support to make sure that gay rights organisations have got the sort of support and expertise that I think can make a real difference with the work they are doing on the ground in Russia.”
Miller, as Equalities Minister, was one of the key parliamentary players in the push for “gay marriage” and has been tapped to represent the Cameron government at Sochi.
Although it is illegal in Russia to fund homosexualist advocacy groups, Miller said she was not concerned about any backlash. The BBC notes that it is possible for the government to skirt the Russian law by making the contributions indirectly through NGOs.
“The most effective way we can support human rights groups, particularly gay rights groups, is by working with organisations like Stonewall, to support them through funding so they can provide effective support and capacity building on the ground, so NGOs in Russia can be even more effective in the future,” she said.
The contribution of the UK government can be seen as a mainly symbolic, political gesture, however, with the bulk of the funding for most homosexualist groups in Europe coming from private foundations and multinational corporations.
According to their 2012 financial statement, among the organisations and businesses funding Stonewall’s £2.87 million annual budget is the UK’s Health Department, the Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Welsh Assembly Government and the Scottish Government’s Voluntary Action Fund, but also Google, IBM, bankers JP Morgan and Lloyds, and Shell.
Europe’s leading homosexualist organisation, the umbrella group ILGA Europe, is funded almost entirely by government and private grant foundations, including the Open Society Institute founded by billionaire and notorious leftist international social engineer George Soros; Freedom House, a US-based NGO; the UK’s Sigrid Rausing Trust that funds “LGBTI” organisations around Europe. Government contributions come from the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands and the European Commission itself through its Progress programme that funds “anti-discrimination” and “gender equality” groups to lobby at the EU.
The British government’s gesture is just the latest in a series of volleys between the Russian Federation and the EU and the member states whose governments support the homosexualist agenda. The Russians recently presented a report to the EU accusing it of pushing a far-left ideology of sexual libertinism that is at odds with the culture of most member states.
Russia said the EU’s equalities and rights programmes have contributed to “a steady growth of xenophobia, racism, violent nationalism, chauvinism and neo-Nazism” around Europe, as well as “violations of privacy and infringements on the freedom of speech.”
“Against this background, the European Union and its Member States consider, as one of their priorities, the dissemination of their neo-liberal values as a universal lifestyle for all other members of the international community,” the report said.
“Attempts have been made to enforce on other countries an alien view of homosexuality and same-sex marriages as a norm of life and some kind of a natural social phenomenon that deserves support at the state level.”
The report called out the UK for its widespread surveillance of citizens and failure to curtail human trafficking, but also for violating the Christian religious freedoms. It cited the case of a British airline employee who was prohibited from wearing a cross necklace at work. The European Court of Human Rights found the company guilty of violating the woman’s rights, in violation of Article 9 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.