‘Let’s get naked this Pride’: Gay editor defends nudity at Toronto’s ‘family friendly’ parade
TORONTO, February 26, 2014 – An editor at Canada’s leading homosexual news agency has defended nudity at Toronto’s annual Pride parade, which is billed as a “family friendly” event.
It’s just “queer people celebrating their sexuality,” wrote Danny Glenwright, managing editor at Xtra, last week in a piece titled “Let's get naked this Pride.”
A drag queen at Ottawa's Capital Pride in 2013.
Glenwright defended exposing the public to what he called “our wanton sexuality and hedonism” as par for the course of expanding gay rights.
“It’s what we do with our naked bodies that kept us gays down for so long,” he wrote.
Glenwright mockingly suggested that those who have a problem with nakedness at the parade can “stay home” with their children and watch on TV “more palatable aspects of our world” such as “priests raping children.”
“I prefer to leave that all behind for a few hours on Pride and head downtown to celebrate gay rights and gay sex — and to protest those who hate us gays and the ways we seek pleasure.”
Glenwright’s piece was a response to Toronto District School Board trustee Sam Sotiropoulos, whovoiced his concern earlier this month over children viewing illegal public nudity at the event.
Sotiropoulos created a firestorm on Twitter after asking Toronto Police if they would enforce Canadian law against public nudity at the Pride event. The trustee was called a ‘homophobic a**hole’ and an ‘outrageous bigot’ by homosexual zealots.
Under Canada’s Criminal Code it is illegal to be nude in a “public place.” Section 174 states that a person who is “so clad as to offend against public decency or order” is “guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.”
Glenwright’s piece also took a swing at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford who stated a principled opposition to attending the World Pride Parade hosted in Toronto this June.
“I’m not going to go to the Pride parade,” the Mayor told a candidates’ forum for the 2014 mayoral election earlier this month. Amidst catcalls, he continued: “I’ve never been to a Pride parade. I can’t change who I am.”
Glenwright argued that “homophobes” who are in leadership positions — such as Ford or Sotiropoulos — balk at nakedness “on a parade float” because it “triggers a primitive hatred” for “two men f**king.”
“It reminds them of what we do in the privacy of our bedrooms,” he wrote.
Glenwright ridiculed Sotiropoulos’ “concern for children” as a legitimate reason for opposing nakedness at the Pride parade.
“So let’s call it what it is and stop allowing these bigots and nudity-haters from masking their issues with concern for the wide-eyed children. And let’s remember that Pride is not the Santa Claus parade — its roots are in protest and sexual liberation.”
“Let’s get naked!” Glenwright concludes.
Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition agrees with Glenwright about the reason for nakedness at the Pride parade, telling LifeSiteNews in a recent interview that “public nudity, sadomasochism and mock sex acts” in the parade are all part of the “edge-pushing” inherent to homosexual activism.
“The parade's public nudity is merely an expression of what is normative for many within the gay lifestyle,” he said.
“The school trustee is quite correct in saying the gay pride parade is not an appropriate event for any school board to associate with, but he is only scratching the surface in noticing the public nudity is a problem."