Polls: Homosexual Marriage support is dropping
As you know, our opponents in Washington State have had a monopoly on the airwaves for months, trying to mislead voters into supporting same-sex marriage.
A little over a week ago we began airing our ads (see them here), informing voters about the real consequences of redefining marriage and explaining why they should Reject Referendum-74 (gay marriage).
Yesterday a new Elway poll showed gay marriage has dropped in Washington State from a 14 point lead a few months ago to a 4 point race today (49%-45%), within the margin of error ...meaning the race is a statistical tie!
This is amazing news and it shows that our ads and message are working!![]()
Even more amazing, the Elway poll wrote: "Opposition to Referendum 74 has grown over the past month while support has stayed at virtually the same level since July."
Did you catch that? Support for same-sex marriage has flat-lined at just under the critical 50% threshold despite their massive spending and advertising advantage for months.
The local media, after months of touting polls showing large leads for same-sex marriage, are refusing to report this latest poll showing a dramatic tightening in the race since our ads began airing.
We have the winning message and now, once again, we have proof that our winning message is persuading voters to side with us.
Don't let gay marriage activists buy this election. Help us continue to move the dial our way and save marriage this November.
A little over a week ago we began airing our ads (see them here), informing voters about the real consequences of redefining marriage and explaining why they should Reject Referendum-74 (gay marriage).
Yesterday a new Elway poll showed gay marriage has dropped in Washington State from a 14 point lead a few months ago to a 4 point race today (49%-45%), within the margin of error ...meaning the race is a statistical tie!
This is amazing news and it shows that our ads and message are working!
Even more amazing, the Elway poll wrote: "Opposition to Referendum 74 has grown over the past month while support has stayed at virtually the same level since July."
Did you catch that? Support for same-sex marriage has flat-lined at just under the critical 50% threshold despite their massive spending and advertising advantage for months.
The local media, after months of touting polls showing large leads for same-sex marriage, are refusing to report this latest poll showing a dramatic tightening in the race since our ads began airing.
We have the winning message and now, once again, we have proof that our winning message is persuading voters to side with us.
Don't let gay marriage activists buy this election. Help us continue to move the dial our way and save marriage this November.