Gay British actor receives death threats for remarks opposing ‘marriage,’ adoption
LONDON, October 9, 2012 ( – The popular gay actor Rupert Everett has told British media that he has received several death threats for his comments opposing the government’s plans to create gay “marriage.”
“I’ve now had all this hate mail and there have been death threats, too,” Everett told the Daily Telegraph, Sept. 30th.
Rupert Everett
“All the queens out there now have it in for me,” the 53 year-old actor said. “I’m loathed by them. I’m having to take evasive action.”
Everett came under fire from the homosexual community after he told an interviewer with the Sunday Times Magazine that he could not think of “anything worse than being brought up by two gay dads.”
In response to the tidal wave of criticism from homosexuals and celebrities, Everett asked for an interview with the Guardian’s Decca Aitkenhead to “explain what he meant.”
Everett clarified that he “loathes” heterosexual weddings and thinks the entire institution “just a waste of time in the heterosexual world, and in the homosexual world I find it personally beyond tragic that we want to ape this institution that is so clearly a disaster.”
“It’s grotesque. It’s just hideous. The wedding cake, the party, the champagne, the inevitable divorce two years later.”
“It’s grotesque. It’s just hideous. The wedding cake, the party, the champagne, the inevitable divorce two years later.”
“For me, being gay was about wanting to do the opposite of the straight world, so I think that’s where my problems in this particular area come from.”