Cardinal Dolan: Obama marriage flip ‘deeply saddening,’ but unsurprising
WASHINGTON, May 10, 2012 – The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, said that President Obama’s newly-announced support for redefining marriage is a blow to the institution of marriage, but unsurprising given the Obama administration’s record.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan
“President Obama’s comments today in support of the redefinition of marriage are deeply saddening,” wrote Dolan in a letter posted on the USCCB website.
“The Catholic Bishops stand ready to affirm every positive measure taken by the President and the Administration to strengthen marriage and the family. However, we cannot be silent in the face of words or actions that would undermine the institution of marriage, the very cornerstone of our society.
The people of this country, especially our children, deserve better.”
The Obama campaign recently released a list of the president’s many actions in favor of the gay rights agenda, including refusing to defend federal law defining marriage as between a man and a woman, and calling for the expansion of adoption to homosexual couples.
“Unfortunately, President Obama’s words today are not surprising since they follow upon various actions already taken by his Administration that erode or ignore the unique meaning of marriage,” wrote Dolan.
“I pray for the President every day, and will continue to pray that he and his Administration act justly to uphold and protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman. May we all work to promote and protect marriage and by so doing serve the true good of all persons.”