Scotland’s opposition parties back same-sex ‘marriage’
SCOTLAND, February 7, 2012 ( – Scotland’s four opposition parties are facing strong criticism after each of their leaders endorsed an “Equal Marriage Pledge” promulgated by homosexualist advocacy group Equality Network calling for a redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples.
The ruling Scottish National Party (SNP), which concluded a 14-week consultation on the issue in December, have so far refused to sign the pledge.
But Labour Party’s Johann Lamont, Conservative’s Ruth Davidson, Liberal Democrat’s Willie Rennie, and Green’s Patrick Harvie said last week that they would “campaign to beat the ban on same sex marriage,” as they jointly signed the pledge.
At the signing event, which included cutting an “equal marriage” wedding cake, Conservative Party leader Ruth Davidson said, “I support the Equality Network’s Equal Marriage campaign. … The Scottish Government will bring forward legislation on gay marriage in this parliament and I want to ensure we have a workable way of advancing this issue for the people of Scotland,”
Tim Hopkins, director of the Equality Network said that he hoped the endorsement by the country’s opposition leaders would result in Scotland legalizing same-sex “marriage” by the end of next year.
“We are delighted that leading politicians from across the political spectrum have united for equal marriage,” said an Equality Network spokesperson. Churches and other community groups will place strong opposition to these moves. Gay marriage is seen as unnatural, against biological design, against evolution, against logic common sense, against the long history of the purpose of covenant marriage between a man and a woman exclusively and man made human rights do not match God's clear prohibitions on homosexuality. Even if gay marriage gets through, equality will not be achieved as there will still be broad resistance in the community.