Archbishop of Paris denounces decline of life and family values in interview on new book
January 20, 2011 ( - Paris Archbishop Andre Vingt-Trois said that homosexual “marriage” is “a terrible service to render to society” in an interview on his new book criticizing modern social trends, “What society do we want?” (Quelle societé volons-nous?”).
Vingt-Trois has taken a more aggressive stand against the breakdown of public morals since receiving criticism for his defense of a play that desecrated an image of Jesus, produced in France in October. In December, he denounced a similar play and scheduled a prayer vigil in opposition.
According to the French Press Agency (AFP), Vingt-Trois discussed attacks on the family, the manipulation of embryos, and homosexual marriage in a recent interview on the RTL radio network.Now the archbishop is speaking out against a variety of moral transgressions that are increasingly tolerated or even endorsed in modern society, as he discusses his new book.
“Young people today do not have even make reference to the family,” the archbishop said. “And yet, the personal equilibrium of young people depends on the climate of trust and love that they find in their families.”
Regarding the destructive treatment given to human embryos, he noted, “It is not only the embryo that is in question, but the weakest (among us).”
Vingt-Trois also lamented a more generalized loss of spiritual perspective in France, noting, “Economic tragedies touch us a great deal, but there are other things. Man’s existence cannot be reduced to his economic life.”
“Our society lacks transcendence. It lacks historic plans. One does not construct a community for a people only by proposing ad hoc measures.”
Although he did not take a position regarding the upcoming presidential election in France, the archbishop said that he regarded it as “more important” than others.
“Every presidential election is very important, but, in the current circumstances, that of 2012 has more importance than others and it is worthwhile for voters to reflect regarding the requirements of the Gospel, but also the requirements of their intelligence,” he said.
As the race heats up, pressure is building in France to legislate the creation of “homosexual marriage,” which would give gay couples the right to adopt children.
Although French President Nicolas Sarkozy has expressed his desire to strengthen the civil union legislation already existing for homosexuals, he continues to oppose the equalization of their relationships with matrimony.