Newsweek admits the obvious: America is in the grip of sex addiction
- Newsweek magazine, a rather pedestrian organ of American liberal sensibility, has been compelled to admit the obvious: Americans are addicted to sex in large numbers. Surprisingly enough, the magazine even goes so far as to admit that at least some homosexual activity is related to sex addiction.
Some hair-raising statistics Newsweek’s “The Sex Addiction Epidemic”: 40 million people a day are logging into porn websites, (about 13% of the US population). Up to 9 million may qualify under the strict clinical definition of a “sex addict.” Psychologists specializing in the the disorder have multiplied from 100 a decade years ago to over 1,500 today.
Although Newsweek admits that the “digital revolution” has much to do with the situation through the provision of easily-accessible hard-core pornography, it fails to state another obvious point: that the culture of the United States and other western countries is saturated with a “softer” porn that is potentially just as deadly.
Americans are bombarded, day in and day out, with insidious messages about human sexuality. Movies, music, television shows, video games and advertising glorify a superficial, hedonistic, promiscuous, and selfish concept of sexuality. Quite often, these themes are accompanied by overt acts of violence and rape.
Newsweek however, doesn’t seem to notice a connection between the false concept of human sexuality pushed by the entertainment business and advertisers and the nation’s increasingly destructive obsession with carnal pleasure. Instead takes a more “moderate” approach, parroting the American Psychiatric Association’s insane notion that sexual perversion is only a problem if it violates your personal standards of normalcy.
Quoting Robert Weiss of the Sexual Recovery Institute in Los An
geles, Newsweek tells us that sex addicts “have to define for themselves based on their own goals and belief systems: ‘What is healthy eating for me? Can I go to a buffet? Can I eat by myself?’ We look at your goals and figure in your sexual behaviors and validate what’s going to lead you back to the behavior you don’t want to do.”
As this reporter stated in a previous article, the American Psychiatric Association now applies this standard to all “paraphilias” (sexual perversions), except for homosexual sodomy, which is now treated as a normal variation of human sexuality. Even in the case of pedophilia, the organization’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual says it’s not an illness unless it causes distress to the individual adding in its most recent version that it is an also an illness if one acts on it—apparently tossing a bone to America’s ongoing belief that such behavior is criminal.
Shockingly, the Newsweek article does acknowledge a reality that is normally unthinkable for the liberal mind: that homosexual behavior might be related to a sex addiction. A sex therapist tells Newsweek that “We see a lot of heterosexual men who are addicted to sex and, because culturally and biologically women aren’t as readily available to have sex at all times of the day, these men will turn to gay men for gratification.”
Indeed, the magazine could have gone further along this daring path and observed that homosexuals are known for having superficial, short-term relationships and hundreds of lifetime sex partners, causing them to contract deadly diseases at rates far beyond that of the rest of the population. These are all facts available in the medical and scientific journals of the day, but they are prohibited facts that may not be discussed by the genteel souls of America’s media elite.
However, you can be certain that LifeSiteNews will continue to report the full truth about America’s collapsing sexual morals. Hopefully, someday, Newsweek will catch up with us.