Catholic university in Brazil hosts symposium defending right to ‘homo-affection’
A Catholic university located in Brazil recently hosted a symposium on “homoaffective law” that gave advocates of the homosexual agenda a platform for promoting their ideology.
The symposium has provoked outrage among faithful Catholics, who protested the event in a signed letter delivered personally in the hours before the event to the local ordinary, Archbishop Fernando Saburido, who reportedly responded that it was too late to cancel it.
According to the homosexualist website MixBrasil, the symposium included such speakers as Fr. Luis Correa Lima, founder of “Catholic Diversity” (Diversidade Catolica), which openly seeks to normalize and legitimize the homosexual lifestyle and “gay identity.”
Other speakers included Dr. Clicerio Bezerra, the judge who carried out the first homosexual “marriage” in the state of Pernambuco, Manoela Alves and Rhemo Guedes, president and attorney, respectively, of the “Gay Lions Movement of the North,” and various public officials involved in enforcing homosexualist government policies.
Roundtable discussions included “LGBT Social Vulnerability in focus and the Criminalization of Homophobia,” “The laity and the state and the right to a free afective-sexual orientation,” “public policy and confronting homophobia,” and “the recognition of the homo-affective union as a family entity in Brazilian law.”
The event took place in the Archdiocese of Olinda and Recife, which was once famous for the pro-life leadership of Archbishop José Cardoso Sobrinho, who retired in 2009.
Catholic laity from the archdiocese reportedly hand-delivered a letter to the new archbishop, Fernando Saburido, asking “that the Catholic university will not carry out such a symposium, because it injures and attacks our faith, it disobeys the orders of Jesus Christ in the person of St. Paul, of Pope Benedict XVI himself…we implore you to not permit this blasphemy in a Catholic institution!”
According to Jorge Ferraz of the blog Deus Lo Vult and a resident of the same archdiocese, the archbishop “attentively received the group, but made it known that, at this point (the symposium would begin that afternoon), he could not do anything to stop the event.”
Contact information:
Arcebispo Fernando Saburido
Rua Bispo Coutinho, s/n – Alto da Sé
53120-130 Olinda – PE
Tel.: (55) (81) 3493-1201
Rua Bispo Coutinho, s/n – Alto da Sé
53120-130 Olinda – PE
Tel.: (55) (81) 3493-1201