
Canadian public broadcaster interviews children for documentary about drag

A lithe, long-legged dancer performs for the camera, rolling onto her back.  She looks like a pre-teen girl and, surprise, she is one. Twelve-year-old Bracken Hanke is one of the children being interviewed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for its upcoming documentary for children about children who do drag.  CBC Kids News tweeted a three-minute video yesterday in which the “four stars” of the promised show squirm artistically for the camera and explain what drag means for them.    CBC Kids News @CBCKidsNews What's it like to be a KID # DRAGQUEEN ? @ CBCKidsNews spoke with the four stars of CBC's new # DragKids documentary to find out what # drag is, and why they do it. # lgbtq # queer # kiddragqueen @ cbcdocs 458 2:38 AM - Jul 5, 2019 3,467 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy The tax-funded broadcaster presented the short promo with the statement: “What

US bishops claim $750K grant to pro-LGBT org does not violate Catholic teaching

A week and a half ago, the Lepanto Institute published an article illustrating the rampant promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism by an organization called the Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN). The US Conference of Catholic Bishops' anti-poverty program, Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is providing a strategic grant of $750,000 to ISN over the next three years. A supporter of the Lepanto Institute contacted the USCCB to ask why the CCHD is providing three-quarters of a million dollars to an organization so steeped in the promotion of grave sin and depravity. Alexandra Carroll, the USCCB's Communications Manager for Social Mission, responded by claiming that ISN had not violated Catholic teaching, and in fact asserted that ISN's pro-LGBT conferences to high school children and young adults confirmed with the Catechism's admonition that "every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided" [Catechism 2358]. Carr

Amazon bans books on gay ‘conversion therapy’. Is the Bible next?

In a very disturbing move, Amazon has removed the books of Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, the psychologist whom critics have dubbed “the father of conversion therapy.” In other words, for claiming that change is possible for those who experience unwanted same-sex attraction, Dr. Nicolosi’s books must be banned. This leads to the logical question: Will Amazon ban the Bible next? There is no hyperbole here. After all, it is the Bible that condemns same-sex relationships and the Bible that speaks of those who once practiced homosexuality but do so no more (see 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). These people, today, would be known as “ex-gays.” And it was Dr. Nicolosi’s life work to help people with unwanted same-sex attractions. Why, then, should Amazon ban his books but continue to sell the Bible, which provides the theological underpinnings for Dr. Nicolosi’s scientific work? After all, gay critics of the Bible refer to the so-called “clobber passages,” referring to verses which have been used to speak aga

LGBTQ: Suicidal Thinking and Behaviors

In his book, Suicide in America, Herbert Hendin, MD (former Executive Director, American Suicide Foundation) offered this common-sense understanding: With all its sexual and social activity, the “gay life” provides no more than an alienated and isolated existence for many homosexuals. Continuity of relationships between two homosexuals is rare, although many homosexuals spend a lifetime seeking it. For those who do seek it, any relationship that offers that possibility is apt to be intensely over invested rather quickly. Since such relationships usually lack social or family support, rejection or disappointment signifies not merely abandonment but despair over the inability to escape emotional isolation. A report speculated: … more than one third of suicides in the total population were committed by homosexual men – figures that put them at least two to three times more likely to commit suicide than the general population. Researchers conclude, “Increased re

Why we don't hear more about LGBTQ Health Hazards

Psychologist A. Dean Byrd stated: On the issue of risks of homosexual practices, the national [health] organizations have become reckless guardians of the public health. The failure to report morbidity and mortality rates associated with homosexual practices should be cause for governmental scrutiny. The furthering of an agenda – no matter whose agenda – must not be placed above the lives of those whose interests must be protected. Activism must not be placed above science in informing public policy. It is an injustice to homosexual men and women to allow activism, including accusations of homophobia, to silence discussion of health risks or to suppress research. A civil society has an obligation to implement policies that promote the health and well-being of its citizens. In the early 1970s, sexual-radical activists subverted the American Psychiatric Association and the American Psychological Association and forced the removal of homosexuality from the list of mental

Health and LGBTQ lifestyle

Many clinics and organizations have sprung up to treat and support GLB patients. Clearly, their lifestyles, sexual practices, and “sexual identities” bring along a host of particular physical and mental health problems. Even within the “medical establishment” there is agreement that GLB population shows greater incidence of disease and mental health disorders.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) devotes numerous web pages to the particular health concerns of “gay” and bisexual men, and (to a lesser extent) lesbians and bisexual women. In 2016, the American Medical Association’s JAMA Internal Medicine published a study using statistics on GLB adults from the 2013 and 2014 National Health Interview Survey (the first to include “sexual orientation” of the respondents). In one of the largest, most representative health surveys conducted to date, lesbian, gay and bisexual adults reported substantially higher rates of severe psychological distress, heavy dr

The Health problems

Anal intercourse (sodomy) was modeled by homosexual males. “Political correctness” has dictated silence on its dangers for women. Heterosexual and bisexual women (and some self-identifying lesbians) are engaging in anal intercourse with men in increasing numbers. There are an estimated 4 times more women than MSM [homosexual and bisexual men] practicing receptive anal intercourse (sodomy) in the United States. An estimated 39% of men (most identifying as heterosexual) and 33% of women have engaged in heterosexual anal intercourse. Estimates are that 25% of men and 13% - 20% of women have engaged “recently.” The rectum is more easily damaged by intercourse than is the vagina, and far more susceptible to disease. There is an alarming rate of increase in STDs (including HPV, a major risk factor for cancers) for both men and women in recent years. Anal cancer is twice as prevalent among women as men. “Receptive” anal intercourse (the only position a woman can take) with a penis is a ma