Microsoft Pounds the Hammer of Homosexual ‘Pride’
“What is Pride to you?” asked the email message I received from Microsoft last week.
Ah, yes. It’s June. In years past it was the premiere month for brides and weddings. In the Catholic Church, it is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But now in our society, June has been forcibly reclaimed for something else, something in which we are all hereby obligated to take pride.
No ‘Pride’ for Me, Thanks
Sorry, but no. “Pride” means nothing to me. Why should it? I’m neither “L” nor “G” nor “B” nor any of the other letters in the alphabet soup that headlines this societal takeover. Pride in the sexual behaviour of others is not something I care to celebrate or participate in at all.
Microsoft’s message is only one example of the way in which “Pride” is force-fed to every breathing person these days. You will think about “Pride,” and you will be confronted with “Pride,” and you will celebrate “Pride” or be punished. You do not have the option to decline or simply be left alone. “Pride” will force its way into your life one way and another.
Disney painted its infamous Mickey Mouse ears in the “Pride” rainbow. Cities are literally painting the streets with rainbow crosswalks in honour of “Pride.” Businesses are hosting “Pride” events and people are ruining businesses who have the temerity not to host “Pride” events.
You’re not even permitted to enjoy lunch if you purchase your meal at an unapproved eatery. For the accidental crime of eating a chicken sandwich in the month of June, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey received his mandated lashes. And sadly, he apologized for his poultry faux pas and appeased the angry gods.
“Pride” is a jealous god indeed.
“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” St. Augustine
Freedom, Meet Boot
So I suppose I should amend my original statement. “Pride” to me means tyranny. Totalitarianism. “Pride” means forced subjugation to an ideology that tolerates no dissent. “Pride” is a blunt weapon which society uses to beat down anyone who does not salute.
“Pride” means the deconstruction of the human person, then refashioned into an ambiguous creature made and remade in the image of nothing but one’s feelings.
“Pride” means the denial of children’s genuine needs in favour of the wants of some adults. It demands that the family itself be dismantled and rebuilt according to definitions that satisfy those adults and treat the children as accessories or proofs of validation.
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A child with no birth mother? Thank “Pride” for that.
Girls were required to let males compete on their sports teams, dutifully swallowing the unfairness when those boys steal the girls’ medals? “Pride,” says that’s equality. Savor that one, feminists.
A teenage boy being irreversibly mutilated so that he’s left permanently sterile and will never have a normal sexual function as either a male or a female? Again, that’s the handiwork of “Pride.”
“Pride” is thrilled to chemically and surgically butcher the healthy bodies of still-growing children for its own sake.
I will not celebrate any of this, nor support it.
Love and Respect Do Not Hinge on Sexuality
I reject the false notion that if I do not celebrate your sexual behaviour it means I don’t respect you as a human person. I don’t have to validate your sexual activity in order to treat you with human dignity.
Love does not require that I support all things “LGBTQ.” Love asks each of us to will the good of the other, and act accordingly. Compassion, kindness, generosity, mercy, patience — these virtues do not depend on waving the rainbow flag.
I reject the modern precept that one’s sexual feelings and desires constitute one’s identity. I still believe in physical, objective reality, and the unchanging truth God created us male or female. The one can never “become” the other.
The Truly Silent Voices
Back to Microsoft’s email. It was full of platitudes about support and humanity and being a voice. The irony of that last one was bitter, indeed.

Hmm … I can think of some silent voices. I can think of people who are brutally dehumanized and disregarded. I can think of people whose very existence is disdained and condemned. True, they are small in size and extreme in dependence. But if sexual preferences do not negate human dignity, why should size or dependence?
Will Microsoft next lend a massive email campaign in support of those people — the unborn? Cue the crickets.
Those millions of silent voices do get a parade each year. But the press consistently ignores it rather than promoting it. Microsoft doesn’t cheer those who march in that parade for being a voice for the voiceless. No, instead the marchers are ignored at best, and often derided and hated for standing up for those millions of silent victims of intolerance and injustice.
So much for human dignity.
I will gladly celebrate treating all people with kindness, respect, and dignity, as love truly asks. That’s a far cry from being compelled to celebrate “Pride.”