
Showing posts with the label Tony Abbott

Marriage Equality results in limits of freedom of speech and religion.

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Homosexual marriage was not just going to be about private liberty, public tolerance, and equality. There is a growing awareness that homosexual marriage is also about limits on freedom of speech and religion.  The marriage equality advocates useage of bigotry seeks to silence dissent by abusing people and labeling them as haters. With respect, this is the reason why Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will lose the election. He will allow the nation to be divided by being manipulated by a group of self centered people who demand their rights at the cost of the rest of the nation.  This very small group of people are seeking change marriage if not by force but by refusing to back down even after three bills failed. If that fails they will continue to live in defacto relationship and seek to use 'marriage' as a tool for equality, whereas in reality, it will only reinforce attitudes that they are not

Kevin Rudd is bringing back sexual debauchery of ancient paganism

Christian abhorrence of homosexuality was not confined to pederasty, however. Sex between two adult males was also considered abhorrent. For instance, St. Paul condemned men’s “indecent acts with other men” ( Romans 1:27 ). He did not differentiate between pedophilia and adult homosexual acts; both were sinful sexual perversions in God’s eyes. It seems that wherever pagan values reign, as in the Greco-Roman culture , there one finds widespread homosexuality. For instance, homosexuality was common among numerous American Indian tribes. Walter L. Williams, in a book that focuses on homosexuality among American Indians, sympathetically notes that the Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia, the Crows, the Klamaths, the Hopi, the Sioux, the Navajo, the Zuni, the Yokuts, and other tribes in the United States all practiced homosexuality before contact with Westerners. Sometimes homosexual acts were intertwined with the religious ceremonies performed by shamans.  Williams not only conveys

Kevin Rudd declares war on Marriage

In recent years gay "marriage" has had no realistic chance of being legislated or recognised at a federal level in Australia as both ex-Prime Minister Julia Gillard and opposition leader Tony Abbott were staunchly opposed.  However, on Sunday night during an election debate with second-time Prime Minister Kevin Rudd , everything changed and “marriage equality” is now a high profile election issue. Sunday evening saw the first of the three televised debates between Prime Minister Kevin Rudd MP and Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott MP, in the lead-up to the national elections on the 7 th  of September. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd The debate was driven by questions being fired from a panel of Australian political journalists on issues such as the economy, health, aged care, education and border protection. At the last, and before the leaders gave their summary addresses, the moderator, Skynews journalist David Speers , fired off his own question on same-se

Will Christine Forster help Tony Abbott lose the Australian election?

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mr Croome a homosexual advocate said he has no plans to approach Mr Abbott's openly-gay sister, Christine Forster, who has publicly disagreed with her brother's stance. The question remains; in the minds of conservative voters, will Christine Forster be the person that helps Tony Abbott lose the election?  Homosexuals advocates intend to leaflet seats including Brisbane , Perth , Wills and Batman , identifying which candidates support their (immoral, in your face, otherwise you're a bigot hater) reform.  Rodney Croome  states polls consistently put support for the reform at 65 per cent across the country.  However, when compared to Switzerland supporting Islamic minuets which also polled very high but failed at referendum miserably, shows that people completing polls are intimidated by the Homosexual lobby even when answering polling questions, or even speaking out publicly against the sin of homo

Kevin Rudd promotes anti-family homosexual values

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Many Australians are disappointed with Rudd's announcement.  It's very hard to understand how someone who spent years defending marriage between a man and woman now sees it as a priority to be fast tracked.  Why the urgency to legislate immorality when Canada and the UK are clearly displaying that Homosexual advocates ignore the law, sue people who don't do what they want, get people fired from their jobs and cause community pain because they deamnd their selfish focused rights. It's extremely strange that Rudd would even vote against changing the definition of marriage.    I think there should be a referendum for the Australian people to decide. This is about the fifth time this has come up, in the last two or three years. It's been rejected in the parliament, but it keeps coming back because homosexual advocates are so self focused that refuse to take no for an answer for

Kevin Rudd wants to force immoral homosexual marriage onto all Australians

Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Kevin Rudd promised he will fast-track same-sex marriage if re-elected. If the Prime Minister has his way, marriage could be redefined by the end of the year. But it will only happen if enough MPs vote for change. You can read below what he told supporters in an email released just minutes after the debate. Please email your local MP today and remind them of your support for man-woman marriage. Ask them to commit to supporting the current definition of marriage if they are re-elected. Kevin Rudd’s 100 day plan to redefine marriage would further undermine the idea that kids deserve, wherever possible, a mum and a dad. There is no practical discrimination against same-sex couples under Australian law . There is no need to change the marriage law . If we wish to retain marriage in its current form it is important that we vote for candidates, regardless of party affiliation, who support marriage. If your l

Why does Kevin Rudd want to divide Australia over homosexual immoral marriage?

English: Kevin Rudd, 26th Prime Minister of Australia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The ABC has reported "Gay marriage advocates have welcomed the Prime Minister's "important" move towards legalising same-sex marriage, but warn it is not a reform Labor can achieve alone. During last night's leaders' debate Kevin Rudd promised that if re-elected, he would take the first steps towards making gay marriage a reality, describing it as a "mark of decency to same-sex couples". He said a bill on the issue would come before parliament within 100 days if Labor wins another term, and his party would be allowed a conscience vote . Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said it was "an important issue" but would not commit to a conscience vote.  Rodney Croome , the national director of the Australian Marriage Equality lobby group, has welcomed Mr Rudd's position on the issue. But he says gay marriage has little chance of being legalised in Australia

Sydney Morning Herald got it wrong on Pope's Homosexual comments

The Sydney Morning Herald (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Mark Kenny from the Sydney Morning Herald incorrectly summarizes the Pope on a relaxed attitude.  "When Tony Abbott was asked about Pope Francis' relaxed attitude to homosexuals, his response probably surprised breakfast television viewers. ''My sister, as you know, Christine is gay. I want her to be treated as every other Australian is treated and that's the Australian standard - we don't discriminate,'' he said." In fact, the Pope and the Churches position has not changed at all. Namely, homosexual acts are sinful. Homosexual activists are dangerous.  But a person committed to Christ , wants to serve God, loves God, may suffer temptation but chooses not to act on sinful sexual desires.  Is that a relaxed attitude towards homosexuals? At least TIME magazine got it right. The Pope hasn't changed at all. Read more:

Australian Public opinion on Homosexual Marriage

A nationally representative sample of 1204 Australian adults was interviewed on the topic of same sex marriage . Selection for inclusion in the survey was random, and participation was voluntary. The survey showed that: (1) When questions were asked of a similar nature to those asked in widely published opinion polls , the results were much the same, namely, that 58% of Australians agree that same sex couples should have the right to marry . (2) However, the current survey went further and also asked if Australians support or oppose changing the Marriage Act to include same sex marriage. Only 49% supported changing the Marriage Act. (3) The current survey also found that Australians are quite divided in their opinion of this, with large gaps between men and women, between those with religious affiliations and non-religious people, between those with different political views, and between older and younger Australians. Those most in favour of change are women, younger Australians,

Australia must not follow New Zealand immoral homosexual marriage

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Please  email your federal MP  today urging them not to allow the definition of marriage to be tampered with. The rainbow swastika agenda is plain and clear. They care little for children and marriage, they only want to use Godly marriage for their own agenda to push acceptance of homosexuality.   Despite your great success in influencing the Australian Parliament ’s decisive rejection of same-sex marriage last September by a margin of 2-1, marriage is again under threat. While Opposition Leader Tony Abbott ’s personal view on marriage between a man and a woman is solid,  he said last week  it was possible for the Liberal Party room to move away from this as a party position after the election by allowing a conscience vote. Similarly, the Prime Minister Julia Gillard has also been consistent in her personal view that marriage is between a man and a woman, despite the Labor Party breaking its election promise and