
Showing posts with the label Tony Abbott

Will the ABC Online present balanced reporting on the Homosexual Marriage debate?

ABC chairman Jim Spigelman has sought to defend the national broadcaster against attacks from "conservative" critics, announcing a number of external audits to assess any bias in its reporting. If you look at the ABC Online "Analysis and Opinion" section every articleon Homosexuality is pro-homosexual in content and emphasis. Arguments against Homosexuality and homosexual Marriage are not presented anywhere in any of these opinion pieces . The numbers are staggering with regards to reporting homosexual events and contents in the news with no contrary views that most Australians hold. The spokesman for Marriage Equality is constantly being quoted and reported. This is beyond bias this is promotion of a lifestyle that is a choice, or fluid as one ABC article stated. The ABC decided that homosexuality is a human right. No articles appears that state homosexuality is an offence and sin against God. Even the reporting of the huge street marchers against homose

Sydney Morning Herald labels Christians who oppose immoral homosexualmarriage extremist

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What an astonishing offensive statement by the editor of the SMH. Any Christian  or non-religious person or MP who rejects homosexual marriage on grounds of logic, biology, evolution, Christian teaching, human history and common sense is labelled an extremist . The inference support homosexual marriage you are normal, object to it you're extreme. What arrogance!  The SMH also believes the refusal to allow immoral homosexual marriage is because of the moral preferences of one man, Tony Abbott ? Again SMH is seeking to twist the argument and the PM to make him look like a sexual Scrooge. Is this journalism or homosexual propaganda? After labelling normal fathers and mothers, young and old people who follow Christ and obey Biblical scripture to label everyone of them as extremist does not create "potential community support." Here is the quote from the SMH below : The Coalition so far has denied its MPs

Homosexual Marriage and ABC Facts Checker

Below is a copy of the ABC News Australia Facts Check on a statement by the Prime Minister . The Prime Minister holds a Judeo- Christian view of marriage established by the Bible and the church. The Bible does events which list polgamy though not approved by God but are seen as acts of rebellion, yet God showed grace. This nuance is simply ignored by quoting a liberal source. Facts Check is supposedly meant to be neutral balanced provide accurate information, judge information given by politicians, etc to check its truth-worthiness and accuracy. However, this article clearly portrays bias, lack of full perspective in forming an argument and at most deceptive in terms of its viewpoint but upholds the position held by the ABC which is pro-homosexual, anti-Christian and extreme left. The ABC constantly only presents one view on this topic constantly. Tony Abbott incorrect on the history of marriage Updated  4 hours 13 minutes ago PHOTO:  Tony Abbott incorrect on the history

Australia needs a referendum on redefining marriage

English: Tony Abbott in 2010. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) September 10, 2013 ( ) - Same-sex marriage was a big loser in Australia ’s election over the weekend. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd sank beneath the waves with his rainbow colours nailed to the mast. Rudd began his campaign to unseat the incumbent PM, Julia Gillard , back in May with a born-again conversion. He promised that he would introduce a bill within 100 days of being re-elected and made gay marriage a centrepiece of his pre-election campaigning. Astonishingly, on the very threshold of electoral annihilation, he gave an interview to The Australian in which he insisted that same-sex marriage was his Christian responsibility. "It was not simply a question about policy but about my fundamental qualifications to be called a Christian,"  he said . Perhaps in Mr Rudd’s inner-city seat of Griffith in Brisbane fervour for same-sex marriage was running high. Perhaps outspoken support was

Politician gracious to Christian webcast then slaughters Christians on Q&A

English: Kevin Rudd (right) and Julia Gillard (left) at . (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has clashed with a Brisbane pastor over gay marriage. IF there is actually such a thing as the "Christian vote", on Monday night Kevin Rudd lost it. For many, the Prime Minister's spirited defence of same-sex marriage on ABC1's Q&A program was a watershed moment.  Kerryn Phelps hailed it as a "historical moment in Australian politics " and penned a 475-word article of thanks to Rudd. For Phelps and so many other LGBTIQ  voters, this was the "sweetest victory of all". Rodney Croome clapped and was amazed these statement came from a Christian. Yet for so many Christian voters, this was the moment that the sheep's clothing came off the wolf's back. At 7.30pm that Monday, the same night as the ABC broadcast of Q&A, more than 35,000 Christians gathered across 339 churches in every state and territory of Australia to watc

Australian Prime Minister Rudd can't protect Christians or any Christian organization from Homosexual activism

It may be that the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is concerned his new-found position on marriage is hurting his standing with Christians. At last night’s “peoples’ forum” debate with Tony Abbott in Brisbane , the two leaders were again asked for their positions on same-sex marriage. It was interesting that Mr Rudd went straight to concerns about religious freedom in his answer saying the church should never have to conduct same-sex weddings. The church was not even mentioned in the question. After years of defending man-woman marriage, Mr Rudd reiterated his new view that there could be two systems of marriage: civil same-sex marriage and church-based marriage that excluded homosexuals. But what then does the “marriage equality” campaign mean if churches do not have to provide “marriage equality”? It is clear from overseas examples that advocates for changing the definition of marriage will not stop until they achieve what they see as full equality. Already a wealthy, high profile homo

Homosexual activists focus on all Christian Organization including churches

English: A woman makes her support of her marriage, and not civil unions, known outside the Mormon temple at New York City's Lincoln Center. Photographer's blog post about this photo and the protest. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) It may be that the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is concerned his new-found position on marriage is hurting his standing with Christians. At last night’s “peoples’ forum” debate with Tony Abbott in Brisbane , the two leaders were again asked for their positions on same-sex marriage. It was interesting that Mr Rudd went straight to concerns about religious freedom in his answer saying the church should never have to conduct same-sex weddings. The church was not even mentioned in the question. After years of defending man-woman marriage, Mr Rudd reiterated his new view that there could be two systems of marriage: civil same-sex marriage and church-based marriage that excluded homosexuals. But what then does the “marriage equality” campaign mean if church

Tony Abbott is being pushed by Homosexual activists who tolerate little deviance from their immoral orthodoxy

English: Photograph of Fred Nile, New South Wales politician. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Tony Abbott chooses not to take preferences from Fred Nile's Christian Democrat because the pro-homosexual do not tolerate anything that deviates from their immoral orthodoxy.  A press release from the Family Research Institute announces a study that "provides additional evidence that the practice of homosexuality, with its attendant lifestyle, shortens the life of practitioners by about 20 years." Titled " Gay obituaries closely track officially reported deaths from AIDS ," study results will appear in the journal Psychological Reports . The president of the Family Research Institute, Paul Cameron , led the project. This report builds on an earlier one in which Dr. Cameron examined deaths reported in homosexual publications, tracked the ages of the deceased and averaged the results. The life expectancy of a male homosexual, it was determined, was in the early 40s.