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More fallout from DOMA decision: House Legal Advisory withdraws from lawsuit protecting marriage

English: The Supreme Court of the United States. Washington, D.C. Français : La Cour suprême des États-Unis. Washington D.C., États-Unis. ‪Norsk (bokmål)‬: Høyesterett i USA. Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. , July 19, 2013 ( ) – The U.S. House’s GOP-led Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group has withdrawn from a court case in which it was defending the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and a similar statute, Title 38, against a complaint from homosexuals in the military who want spousal benefits for their same- sex partners . In a federal court   filing , the House lawyers said that the Supreme Court’s June 26 decision to strike down DOMA left them no choice. “The Supreme Court recently resolved the issue of DOMA Section 3’s constitutionality,” wrote the House lawyers. ”The  Windsor   decision necessarily resolves the issue of DOMA Section 3’s constitutionality in this case.” Continued the lawyers, “While the question of whether [T

Paul Ryan flip-flops, now supports gay adoption

WKOW 27: Madison, WI Breaking News, Weather and Sports  – Paul Ryan , the 2012 Republican vice presidential candidate , announced on Monday that he has changed his position on “gay adoptions”; he now favors them. Speaking at a town hall meeting in Janesville, Wisconsin, Ryan responded to a question on same-sex “marriage” with a statement about his reversed position on same-sex adoption . Paul Ryan has found common ground with Barack Obama . "I do believe that if there are children who are orphans who do not have a loving person or couple, I think if a person wants to love and raise a child they ought to be able to do that. Period,” Ryan explained. “I would vote that way," he added. In 1999, Congressman Ryan voted far a ban on same-sex couples adopting children in the District of Columbia, but says he has since changed his mind. However, he said that he still opposes same-sex “marriage.” Ryan’s 2012 presidential running mate, Governor Mitt Romney, said he

Ontario Catholic school survey says being ‘against homosexuality’ is ‘extremely homophobic’

A Catholic high school in London is under fire after distributing a survey to students that says being “against homosexuality” is “extremely homophobic.” obtained a copy of the “attitudes” survey, which was handed out last week at Regina Mundi Catholic College , from a parent who was outraged that such a survey would be given to her child at a Catholic school and without her permission. “Not only were my parental rights, religious beliefs and moral values infringed upon, this ‘Attitude Survey’ was inappropriate for the students,” said the mother, who wished to remain anonymous. “It was not ethical to provide a survey to all staff and students without first thoroughly checking for suitability through all channels.” A copy of the survey can be downloaded  here . A representative of the London District Catholic School Board says the survey was spearheaded by a student-led group that formed in response to Bill 13, the Ontario Liberals’ controversial “ an

Millennials the only generation whose majority supports same-sex ‘marriage’

 – Support for same-sex "marriage" is split significantly along generational lines, with opposition to marriage redefinition remaining strong among older generations and only millennials mustering majority support, according to a recent poll. A Pew Research Forum this month found that 70 percent of those born after 1981 favor marriage redefinition. No other generation crossed the threshold of 50 percent. Support for preserving marriage tracked largely with age. The second greatest support for marriage redefinition was among Generation X , those born between 1965-1980, with 49 percent. America 's largest population bloc, Baby Boomers , trailed far behind, with only 38 percent in favor of homosexual “ marriages .” Their views are not so different from their parents, the Silent Generation . Less than one-third of those born before 1945 would redefine marriage. Overall, opposition to same-sex “marriage” actually increased since last year ,

Homosexual immoral marriage a step closer for Finland

English: Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb in Vienna, 10 April 2008. Suomi: Ulkoasiainministeri Alexander Stubb Wienissä 10. huhtikuuta 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) HELSINKI, March 21, 2013 ( ) – A total of 107,000 signatures have been collected for a petition that will be brought by campaigners to the Finnish parliament asking the Nordic country to install “gay marriage,” including adoption rights . That number was reached in one day. Only 50,000 signatures were required to bring a “ gender-neutral marriage ” bill to parliament. The “I Do 2013” campaign was launched on Tuesday, and received such huge support from the Finnish public that it crashed the  hosting website. The petition follows the defeat of a “gender-neutral” marriage bill proposed by the National Coalition Party (NCP) minister Alexander Stubb . The bill was rejected in committee 9 votes to 8 and so failed to move before the full legislature for consideration.

Vatican official: Gay marriage a “revolutionary project” for “complete destruction of the family”

ROME , March 14, 2013 ( ) – The doctrine of “equal marriage” is a slogan created by post-Christian , socialist revolutionaries as a political tool to create a totally new cultural paradigm of morality that can only be implemented after the “complete destruction of the family unit,” a high-level Vatican official told an audience in Britain last week. Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family , spoke to an audience at the Student Union Hall of St. Mary’s University College in Twickenham on “Marriage and the Family in a Culture of Relativism ." Vatican Family Secretary Jean Laffitte does not see redefining marriage as a civil rights issue. He warned of a massive, international effort to rewrite social norms in the formerly Christian countries of the West that has resulted in the “extremely rapid extension” of laws “that endanger the very survival of the family.” He affirmed what many in the pro-family movment have lo

ussian Orthodox Church condemns gay ‘marriage’ legislation in UK, France

MOSCOW, March 11, 2013 ( ) - The Russian Orthodox Church , through its Department for External Church Relations, has issued a  statement  saying the same-sex "marriage" legislation in France and the UK is a "revolution in the European societies ’ understanding of marriage" that will lead to the eventual collapse of those societies. The document notes that the "Russian Orthodox Church preserves and defends the primary Christian understanding of marriage and family, sanctifies marital relations in the church Sacrament and asserts the importance of marriage for the wellbeing and development of society as a whole."  It adds, "In the countries which have embarked on the path of a radical revision of traditional family ethics, this process has resulted in a demographic crisis which is growing from year to year." "The revision of fundamental norms of family law on which the human community has been built for ce

Video: Brazilian politicians seeking to outlaw 'homophobic' speech, warn evangelicals

February 28, 2013, ( ) - Brazilian lawmakers are seeking pass a law prohibiting "homophobia," which would potentially outlaw all criticism of homosexual behavior . The bill is part of the country's criminal code reform currently being undertaken in the National Congress , according to members of Brazil 's newly-formed National Association of Evangelical Jurist (ANAJURE). "Every criticsm of homosexual behavior would be prohibited, even in churches," warned ANAJURE founding member Jean Regina, an attorney from the state of Rio Grande do Sul , in a video interview with's Latin America correspondent Matthew Hoffman. In addition, the proposed penal code reform and other proposed measures currently would eliminate protections for the unborn and legalize prostitution. Regina said although the " evangelical churches and evangelical press started fighting against these ideas" when the bill wa