
Showing posts with the label Chicago

Is it un-American to be a Christian?

Official portrait of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Chick-fil-A (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The current hate campaign being waged by homosexual activists against fast food chain Chick-fil-A , because of the firm’s Christian values , may well turn out to be a bridge too far. The effort may prove to be a setback for homosexual activism. The vile attacks on the firm and its owners, the Cathy family, should make clear, finally, that the “gay rights” movement is not about refining and advancing American freedom, but about rewriting American values and advancing, not freedom, but the homosexual political agenda. Recently Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke at a flag raising ceremony in Alexandria, Egypt , noting the re-opening of the American consulate there. Given the current political climate in Egypt, the Secretary of State felt behooved in her remarks to highlight principles of freedom as understood by Americans. “... to us,

Can Cities Really Block Chick-fil-A?

Chick-fil-A (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Attempts by Chicago and Boston politicians to block the opening of Chick-fil-A restaurants because of the company president's views on marriage would be unconstitutional and also set a dangerous precedent for other businesses, say several attorneys. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel each have been quoted as saying they want to prevent Chick-fil-As from opening in their cities, with Menino declaring in a letter to Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy, "There is no place for discrimination on Boston's Freedom Trail and no place for your company alongside it." The Freedom Trail is a path through the city's streets highlighting historic buildings. Emanuel voiced agreement with a Chicago alderman who also opposes a new Chick-fil-A, saying of the company, "They disrespect our fellow neighbors and residents." Cathy, in two interviews in recent weeks—including one  re-posted on Baptist Press —has

Rahm Emanuel: Chick-Fil-A should be banished for Christian marriage beliefs

BOSTON, July 25, 2012, - Chicago Mayor and former Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has backed calls to keep Chick-fil-A from doing business in his city, saying the restaurant chain’s Christian beliefs on marriage “are not Chicago values.” Meanwhile, the  Boston Globe  has come to the defense of Chick-fil-A leaders’ right to hold those beliefs in the wake of similar comments from that city’s mayor. Rahm Emanuel told the  Chicago Tribune  Wednesday that he agreed with Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno’s effort to stop Chick-fil-A from opening a new restaurant in his area of the city based on president Dan Cathy’s “bigoted, homophobic” views. Cathy, who is famously outspoken in his Christian beliefs, had said last week that he was “guilty as charged” for supporting traditional marriage, saying that redefining the institution meant “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.” Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. “Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values,” Emanuel  told  the Tribune . “They

The Battle over Marriage in Illinois

July 4, 2012 ( ) - Illinois is now “ground zero” in the ongoing battle to preserve traditional marriage. On May 30, 2012, the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund , Inc., filed separate lawsuits in the Cook County Circuit Court (which includes the City of Chicago ) on behalf of a number of same-sex couples challenging the Illinois law that reserves marriage to opposite-sex couples (Illinois does, however, already recognize same-sex civil unions). The lawsuits, which raise only state, not federal, constitutional claims, name a single defendant, David Orr, the Cook County Clerk, who has the responsibility and duty of issuing marriage licenses and registering the solemnization of marriages after they have been performed. Mr. Orr, a longtime advocate of same-sex marriage, has announced his support for the plaintiffs’ lawsuits, has expressed his opinion that the failure to recognize same-sex relationships as marriages is unc

Homosexual protesters call cardinal ‘arch bigot’ for opposing same-sex ‘marriage’

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS , February 13, 2012, ( – As parishioners gathered for Sunday Mass , a radical group of homosexual activists protested outside Chicago’s Holy Name Cathedral, calling Francis Cardinal George the city’s  “arch-bigot”  for defending marriage. Carrying placards and spouting slogans on the sidewalk as worshipers entered the sanctuary, members of the Gay Liberation Network instructed Catholics to  “give up hate for Lent.” Cardinal Francis George David E. Smith, executive director of the  Illinois Family Institute  told the Gay Liberation Network is “a tiny group of radical activists who are trying to intimidate and name-call religious leaders like Cardinal George to try to coerce them into silence for standing up for God’s institution of marriage.” The protests have been an annual event since at least 2005, he said. Last year, the group swarmed the cathedral as police did nothing . In 2005, the Gay Liberation Network protested Chicago’s f

Gay Rights Are An Affront To God

Image via Wikipedia Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality had as his  guest today   Chicago pastor and radio show host John Kirkwood . While speaking with LaBarbera, Kirkwood likened gays and lesbians to heroin users and said that supporting gay rights is similar to encouraging a drug addict. Kirkwood also attacked “the Lady Gaga theology that you were born that way” and said people who believe that are “rejecting God ” and “rejecting the Bible .” Kirkwood : So when Christians start buying into the Lady Gaga theology that you were born that way, they’re rejecting Paul, they’re rejecting God, they’re rejecting the Bible, they’re rejecting the offer of redemption through the shed blood of Jesus Christ . And so it’s a larger issue to me than simply traditional marriage versus same-sex marriage . LaBarbera : Absolutely. Kirkwood : It’s an affront to the most holy God. And God says, listen, here’s the thing that’s crazy, if your son was a heroin addict Peter, an

Homosexual students automatically eligible for scholarship: Elmhurst college

High school students applying to Elmhurst College in Illinois this fall will be asked whether they consider themselves “a member of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community,” the  Chicago Sun-Times  reports. The entrance of Elmhurst college. The liberal arts college , located just outside Chicago , is boasting on its website that it is the first undergraduate program to ask that question of its applicants. Answering the question is optional, Gary Rold, Elmhurst’s dean of admissions, told the Sun-Times. Checking “yes,” however, could make a student eligible for scholarship assistance of up to 30% of tuition. Rold also said that including the question is intended to help the college direct its homosexual students to services and organizations targeted for them. “Increasing diversity is part of our mission statement ,” he told the news service. “This is simply closing the loop, in many ways, of another group who has a very strong identity. It may not be race and rel

Homophobia and the Church

Image via Wikipedia Anyone opposed to the acceptance of homosexual behavior as a healthy, normal, moral equivalent to heterosexuality is often accused of homophobia – an irrational fear of those engaged in homosexual behavior.   This same label is applied to any church that teaches biblical morality on the issue.  Recently, Bill Hybels , Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago , had to  defend  his church’s loving and biblical morality teachings against an attack from a homosexual activist who persuaded the head of Starbucks to breach his contract to speak at the church’s leadership summit.  Some churches, like Mt. Hope Church in East Lansing, Michigan , are sometimes even physically attacked  by radical groups who support the homosexual agenda like BashBack! (an indication of irrational fear on their part). But most pastors and churches I’m familiar with are like Willow Creek and love those caught up in homosexual behavior, wanting them to experience the freedom th

Gay manipulate conference speaker

Image via Wikipedia Starbucks CEO  Howard Schultz  will no longer be one of the key speakers at this week's  Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit . He will be replaced by Pat Lencioni, author of  The Five Disfunctions of a Team. Lencioni has spoken at the summit three previous times, and according to his published bio, was rated among the conference's "top 10 general sessions of all time. " Schultz, who has not previously spoken at Willow Creek's leadership summit, recently published his second book on leadership,  Onward: How Starbucks Fought for Its Life without Losing Its Soul. His appearance was the subject of an  online campaign  at, launched by political consultant Asher Huey. "Schultz is speaking at a conference hosted at and sponsored by an anti-gay church. This is unacceptable," the  petition  said. "The church has long practiced dangerous conversion therapy to 'cure' people of their sexual orientation. … Not denounc