
Showing posts with the label Apple

iPhone app attacks freedom of speech

Image via Wikipedia The greatest threat to religious liberty and free speech in the United States is on the attack again. I’m not talking about Islamic extremism or the New Atheists. No, as dangerous as these anti-Christian ideologies are to our freedoms, they take a back seat right now to the ruthless, methodical attacks by gay-rights groups on anyone who disagrees with them. Let me explain. Last year, you’ll recall that we created an iPhone app for the Manhattan Declaration . The app would allow users to read, sign, and share the Manhattan Declaration and its defense of human life, traditional marriage, and religious freedom. Apple said the app was “free from objectionable material.” But when a group that supports so-called “gay marriage” protested that the Declaration promoted “hate” and “homophobia” and was “anti-gay,” (which it wasn’t), Apple removed the app from its iPhone store. Since then I’ve been warning you that the Manhattan Declaration was just the first target of

Apple Yanks Another Conservative App

Image via Wikipedia Apple has pulled another Christian application from its online store. This time, the "offender" was Exodus International which was trying to share the hope of Jesus Christ with those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction . Exodus offers compassion and help for people who  choose to seek it. In October, Apple approved and posted a Manhattan Declaration app on its online store giving it a 4+ rating for "no objectionable content." The document statement affirms the sanctity of human life, marriage as defined by the union of one man and one woman, and religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Nearly 500,000 people have signed the declaration. The app was yanked from the Apple site over Thanksgiving weekend because it held a biblical worldview of marriage which is objectionable to certain groups. Apple also gave the Exodus app a 4+ rating before pulling it. Complaints from the homosexual community caused Apple to pull the app. Apple

Apple has double standards

Image via Wikipedia Apple removed Exodus International 's app after critics released a position calling the organization "hateful and bigoted."  Exodus  promotes  "freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ ." President of Exodus International Alan Chambers *  tweeted , "It's official, the @ExodusInl App is no longer in the @ AppStore .  Incredibly disappointing. Watch out, it could happen to you. #freedom" Chambers told CT that about 16,000 people had downloaded the app and it had about 500 negative reviews. He said that Exodus has counted 105 ipad apps and 135 mobile apps that support gay rights and homosexuality. "It’s absolute assault on free expression and free ideas," Chambers told CT. "If you don’t agree with the loudest person in America, you’re going to be forced into conformity." Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr told  CNET  that Apple pulled the app because "it violates our developer guideline

Gay group demands Apple remove Exodus International app

Image via Wikipedia An iPhone application designed to minister to individuals with unwanted same-sex attraction has come under a hail of criticism from gay activists who have called the program “hateful and bigoted.” The app, created by international Christian ex-gay ministry Exodus International and available through Apple’s online iTunes store , received a 4+ rating from Apple, meaning that it was found to contain no objectionable content. The app provides a gateway to the ministry’s news, blog, podcasts, and other social networking and resource materials. Truth Wins Out (TWO), an organization dedicated to “fighting anti-gay lies and the ex-gay myth,” quickly launched a protest. It claims to have gathered over 100,000 signatures against the app on TWO leaders have promised that if Apple does not bow to their demands they will hold a press conference featuring “Exodus victims” outside Apple’s offices to further pressure the computer company. “No objectionable con

Gays object to chicken sandwiches

Image via Wikipedia Author: Churck Colson. Is giving away chicken sandwiches an act of homophobic bigotry? According to certain homosexual groups and websites, it is: when you give away sandwiches to people attending a conference on  marriage .You heard that right.  Gay-rights groups are slandering and boycotting the well-known national fast-food chain Chick-fil-A — you know, the one that says we should “eat more chicken.” That’s because one of its restaurants decided to donate some sandwiches to a February marriage conference sponsored by the Pennsylvania Family Institute, which opposes so-called gay “marriage.” That’s it. There was absolutely no attempt to exclude anyone or to engage in gay-bashing. Responding to the boycott and the attacks, Chick-fil-A, which according to the The New York Times is “among only a handful of large American companies with conservative religion built into its corporate ethos,” says that it serves and values all people and treats “everyone with hon