Apple Yanks Another Conservative App
Apple has pulled another Christian application from its online store. This time, the "offender" was Exodus International which was trying to share the hope of Jesus Christ with those struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. Exodus offers compassion and help for people who chooseto seek it.
In October, Apple approved and posted a Manhattan Declaration app on its online store giving it a 4+ rating for "no objectionable content." The document statement affirms the sanctity of human life, marriage as defined by the union of one man and one woman, and religious liberty and freedom of conscience. Nearly 500,000 people have signed the declaration. The app was yanked from the Apple site over Thanksgiving weekend because it held a biblical worldview of marriage which is objectionable to certain groups.
Apple also gave the Exodus app a 4+ rating before pulling it. Complaints from the homosexual community caused Apple to pull the app. Apple says that the content violated its developer guidelines by being "offensive to large groups of people," referring to the 146,000 people who signed a petition to kick Exodus off the store. However, Apple continues to provide hundred of apps specific to the gay community. Mike Jones from the gay web site, said, "There is no place for 'ex-gay therapy' on the Apple platform."
Alan Chambers, president of Exodus, said he was extremely disappointed with Apple's decision. "Discrimination of thought and belief obstructs essential dialogue and authentic diversity," he said. "Ultimately, this issue comes down to what we, as a culture, believe about equality and the freedom to express our beliefs."
A representative from Exodus said, "We want to ask that there would be fair and equal representation of religious belief on this platform as is already existing. We would like the spirit of diversity and tolerance that is so valued within the LGBT community." [,, The Washington Update]