Kinsey and Homosexuality - Scientific Fraud
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Alfred Kinsey (5493900781) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Alfred C. Kinsey has been likened by supporters to a “scientific” Prometheus - bringing the equivalent of fire from the gods to enlighten mankind. Singlehandedly creating a sexology movement, his Kinsey Institute is the foundation of the Model Penal Code and all modern jurisprudence relating to sex and morality.
But unlike Prometheus, Kinsey was fanned by his own base desires. Kinsey set loose fraudulent sexual fires upon the world that matched his own sexual psychopathologies and created a conflagration of human passions, released from the bonds of traditional jurisprudence and morality. His statistical lies were translated into laws that destroyed extant common law protections for women, children, and the family. His acolytes built upon his frauds a medical-psychological-educational-legal complex that is destroying our children and our society. If we are to halt our moral annihilation, all legal doctrines based on his crimes and fraud must be exposed like the Tuskegee Experiment and overturned. The dysfunctional laws underlying the education, media, entertainment, and other aspects of society that stand on Kinsey’s criminal frauds and child atrocities must be reversed.
SCIENTIFIC FRAUD AND MISCONDUCT Kinsey’s adult population sample was aberrant. He directed and colluded in the sexual torture of up to 2,035 infants and children.2 Moreover the Kinsey team for Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953) engaged in criminal, sexual atrocities against from 317 (minimum) to 2,035 little boys, the youngest 2 months of age, covered up by the scientific establishment from 1948 to today.3 Scientific fraud and misconduct always poisons the stream of knowledge.
As legal, social, and educational decisions turn on public trust in scientific honesty, scientific fraud and misconduct can and do result in fatal consequences. Law thus holds the scientist accountable for knowingly injecting false data into the societal stream of consciousness, even where no discernible harm results.
Kinsey’s frauds and mass sex crimes against children have been devastating to society. He falsified data, manipulated the public trust, created new societal sexual norms, and architected modern sex laws and sex education, based on his crimes against children. When fraud is discovered, and where it has resulted in harm, the judiciary must correct the damage. Kinsey & Co. must be held responsible so that law can rationally reexamine pre-Kinsey jurisprudence in matters of sexuality, restore protections for women and children and make the public whole again.
The architect of modern sex laws, sex education, and sex norms was a closet sexual psychopath, hence all laws and public policies now reflect his sexual pathologies. As a pornographically addicted, sadomasochist, bi/homosexual pedophile, Kinsey could not (and did not) produce legitimate data on human sexual behavior. Kinsey had a personal need to change sex laws in the 2 Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences 134 (2d ed. 2000). 3 Id. 3 1950s into the laws he needed. As the law was, it criminalized his sexual behaviors. Thus, Kinsey assembled a like-minded cohort to produce his desired results, fabricating and discarding undesired data. He “forced” answers from subjects. He took sex “histories” from persons wildly aberrant: homosexuals, sadomasochists, petty and major criminals, prostitutes, pimps, pedophiles, draft dodgers, drunkards, and prisoners. He used this collection of sexual deviants to fabricate conclusions about the mores of normal society. Most important, Kinsey’s “research” protocol involved the criminal sexual torture of infants and children to establish children as “sexual from birth.”
Illinois Law Review article predicted that the Kinsey Report would change the law, judges would heed the use of his data, and the data would condition official action. This prediction has been upheld. Thousands of law journals have been tainted, citing Kinsey as a primary source and his findings in secondary and tertiary sources, 1950-2013. In one attached 2013 law review article, the Kinsey Report voice is heard yet again and in a chorus of hundreds of other law review articles, phrases identical to the Report’s statement that the “female breast is no more or less a sexual organ than is the male equivalent” are oft repeated.
Then, as now, law review journals within the legal field are heeded, while their impact on the Model Penal Code (MPC) and vice versa cannot be underestimated. The MPC bridged the gap between the academic journals (espousing radical innovations based on Kinsey’s fraudulent data) and the ultimate statutes enacted and decisions rendered (giving those radical innovations based on the Kinsey vision the full force of law). It is documented that the MPC removed many common-law protections for women and children as “unscientific.” 5
Using Kinsey’s “data” that children are “sexual from birth” it was seriously argued that a four or five-year-old girl may have such “seductiveness” as to overwhelm adults into sexual activity with her. The MPC promoted this “scientific fact” of alleged child sexuality and accordingly reduced or eliminated protections for children. A closet pedophile, Kinsey’s data appear in law journals today: a dead pedophile still pulls the strings of public policy.
IV. KINSEY IN THE CASELAW The 1957 Wolfenden Report, a leading British study of homosexuality and prostitution cited Kinsey for authority for decriminalization. Immediately, American homosexual advocates cited Wolfenden to justify loosening American laws on sodomy and homosexuality. The result was the legitimization and legalization, on both sides of the Atlantic, of harmful conduct that had clearly been criminal. From its mid-20th century beginnings, Kinsey’s sexual standards have been imported into the law.6 Kinsey (an adulterer and fornicator) is a judicial expert on adultery and fornication laws. Kinsey (a pedophile) is the authority for child abuse and age of consent. Kinsey (a bi/homosexual) is a judicial expert on bisexuality and homosexuality. Kinsey (a 4 See Appendix A. 5 See Appendix B. 6 See Appendix C. 4 pornographer) is the authority for obscenity, sex education, and for accreditation of sexuality teachers. Kinsey (a sexual harasser) is the authority for sexual harassment. No area of our law relating to morals and sexual crimes remains free from his psychopathic influence.
IV. KINSEY IN THE CASELAW The 1957 Wolfenden Report, a leading British study of homosexuality and prostitution cited Kinsey for authority for decriminalization. Immediately, American homosexual advocates cited Wolfenden to justify loosening American laws on sodomy and homosexuality. The result was the legitimization and legalization, on both sides of the Atlantic, of harmful conduct that had clearly been criminal. From its mid-20th century beginnings, Kinsey’s sexual standards have been imported into the law.6 Kinsey (an adulterer and fornicator) is a judicial expert on adultery and fornication laws. Kinsey (a pedophile) is the authority for child abuse and age of consent. Kinsey (a bi/homosexual) is a judicial expert on bisexuality and homosexuality. Kinsey (a 4 See Appendix A. 5 See Appendix B. 6 See Appendix C. 4 pornographer) is the authority for obscenity, sex education, and for accreditation of sexuality teachers. Kinsey (a sexual harasser) is the authority for sexual harassment. No area of our law relating to morals and sexual crimes remains free from his psychopathic influence.
V. THE GLOBAL KINSEY/CONCLUSION Kinsey’s global reach is growing, animated through millions of disciples. They have spread the gospel according to Kinsey throughout the courts, legislatures, and medical and educational establishments worldwide. As the law makes sexual aberrance legal, these acts are taught to American schoolchildren.7
Despite the efforts of the American legal-medicaleducational establishment to wholly normalize Kinsey’s vision, the complete revolution in sexual norms meets resistance in those still adhering to Judeo-Christian morality. Some recent examples come from foreign countries where leaders have rejected Kinsey’s corrupted sexuality.
In 2013, the Croatian Constitutional Court overturned Kinsey-based sex education. In 2012, Switzerland defunded their “sex competency” education due to the exposure of Kinsey’s atrocities. In America, we must recognize, as did Justice Brandeis, that pre-Kinsey “existing legal institutions” and laws largely explained “human affairs . . . and the conditions, and institutions by which [we] are surrounded.” 8 Thousands of years of human experience and the legal tradition of the West were discarded on the basis of fraudulent “science.” We know who is to blame. We know what happened. We know how we got to this point. Where do we go from here?