Rugby Australia crushes free speech and beliefs
Rugby Australia: “The fact of the matter is that Rugby Australia is now a left-leaning organization waging a full-scale war against fellow conservative Australians who have the audacity to disagree with their Left Wing homosexual agenda. Rugby Australia is not interested in debate, discussion, ideas, or free speech. They simply sack anybody who says anything they disagree with. By sacking Israel Folau they are the enforcers of their own iron-fisted, totalitarian, Mao-style cultural revolution.”
Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5:19-21 KJV

Under NRL chief Todd Greenberg, the game has been highly progressive, publicly supporting fake homosexual marriage.
Mr Greenberg correctly earned criticism from conservative commentators and most Australians and politicians for hiring US rapper Macklemore to perform gay anthem Same Love at the 2017 grand final. And for the last five years, the NRL has had a float in the Sydney Homosexual Mardi Gras. Therein lies the problem. Rugby Australia is not longer about football it is all about promoting the sinfulness of homosexuality.

Australian Rugby League Commission (ALRC) boss Peter Beattie said Israel failed the character test. Any person who believes and follows the Bible NOW...has failed the character test! Who made Beattie a judge of character? Answer: Nobody. They are simply full of fear to stand up to the homosexual zealots.
It is possible that many players, umpires, staff, media commentators etc., are doing exactly what Galatians 5:19-21 prohibits. They are offended at the gospel.
THey don't want to be challenged by Christ and they love their lifestyle. They may not say it but they indulge in these very sins and by rejecting Folau and branding him a hater, they take the focus off themselves and point the finger at Israel.
But they have chosen to ignore most of the scripture prohibitions and simply point to the new PC ideology namely how wonderful homosexuality is for them. Homosexuality is a sin and left unrepented like ALL sin will result in damnation and eternal heel. But God lovingly calls all people to repentance of their sins. Yet some choose to ignore God at their own risk.
In a joint statement by Rugby Australia boss Raelene Castle and NSW Rugby Union’s Andrew Hore, the duo said that Folau’s actions didn’t represent the values of rugby and therefore had left them no choice but to terminate his four-year-deal.
Whilst Israel is entitled to his religious beliefs, the way in which he has expressed these beliefs is inconsistent with the values of the sport. We want to make it clear that he does not speak for the game with his recent social media posts.
It is obvious Israel is NOT entitled to his religious beliefs....regardless of how and when they are expressed. Here's the big fat lie:
“Rugby’s an inclusive game for all. We play in a game that is inclusive of everything: race, religion, gender, sexuality, all of it. We’re an inclusive sport"...Except they don't include people who hold different religious views regarding the sin of homosexuality.
- Does this mean that any person with Christian Beliefs will now be sacked?
- Does Rugby Australia believe in freedom of speech?
- Does Rugby Australia believe their beliefs are superior to others?
- Does Rugby Australia believe their beliefs are better than God's statements on the sin of homosexuality?
“Rugby is a sport that continuously works to unite people. We want everyone to feel safe and welcome in our game and no vilification based on race, gender, religion or sexuality is acceptable and no language that isolates, divides or insults people based on any of those factors can be tolerated."
Homosexuality is a divisionary immoral sexual behavior for 40% of Australians who disagree with fake homosexual marriage.
At this point Rugby Australia based on their PC inclusive policy is dividing Australians by enforcing sacking of a player who has his own biblical historical Godly beliefs.
It is NOT loving to NOT inform people who indulge in ANY sin of the eternal destination without repentance and faith towards Christ.
RugbyAustralia thinks they are god. Fools!