Marvel Studios chief promises LGBT superheroes in future movies

The crowd-pleasing Marvel Cinematic Universe films have remained relatively free of “social justice” posturing ever since they began with 2008’s “Iron Man,” but that may be about to change. In an interview, Monday to promote this month’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige told The Playlist that future entries in the superhero saga would include multiple characters confirmed onscreen to be gay or bisexual. “When are we getting a Gay, Bi, LGBTQ, out character in the MCU?” the interviewer asked. “Is it even in the works?” Feige answered that it was, teasing that in addition to at least one completely new character, at least one previously-established character would be revealed to be LGBT in some way. This isn’t the first time Feige has made a similar promise; in 2015 he told Collider that audiences could expect to see a homosexual, bisexual, or transgender character sometime within the next decade. However, whether Feige’s words signal a sincere desire to add LG...