The Born Gay Lie exposed

For decades, “born this way” has been the rallying cry of the mainstream gay rights movement, a simple slogan cited as the basis for both political change and cultural acceptance.

Gay rights advocates used it to make the case for legal equality. Allies declared it when standing in solidarity. Lady Gaga in 2011 released her triumphant gay anthem "Born This Way" and that same year co-founded the Born This Way Foundation, which this very week is the beneficiary of a set of Starbucks drinks.

Getting America to believe that people are born gay — that it’s not something that can be chosen or ever changed — has been central to the fight for gay rights. If someone can’t help being gay any more than they can help the color of their skin, the logic goes, denying them rights is wrong. 

But many members of the LGBTQ community reject this narrative, saying it only benefits people who feel their sexuality and gender are fixed rather than fluid, and questioning why the dignity of gay people should rest on the notion that they were gay from their very first breath.

The opposite of "I was born this way" is not "I chose this way." In a 2016 article on sexual orientation published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest, researchers wrote that "whether sexual orientation is a choice" is a poor phrase for advancing our understanding of sexuality. We choose our actions, they wrote, not our feelings. Words like "choice," "preference" and "lifestyle" are loaded. 

But this now destroys all homosexual arguments - it is just sexual lust and moral confusion.

So kids who are not popular, declare themselves gay because they don't feel they can attract an opposite sex friend, so they say - I must be gay and its okay because every says so. Lies - lies and more lies poured out upon confused kids.

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