Australia: 'Liberal Pride' MP Chris Pyne adviser leads new Liberal Party gay pride group

ITS TIME TO DUMP LIBERAL - VOTE CONSERVATIVE One of the Turnbull OWN government MPs pushing for the introduction of immoral homosexual marriage will launch a new Liberal Party gay pride group being led by a top adviser to minister Christopher Pyne . Why doesn't Turnbull sack them both? Mr Pyne's adviser Rory Grant is president of Liberal Pride , which is based in the Victorian state seat of Prahran where Mr Grant is currently seeking pre-selection. Backbench moderate Trevor Evans is the guest speaker at the Melbourne launch of the group, which is being described as the Liberal equivalent of Rainbow Labor. Australians now know very clearly that neither Liberal, Labor, nor the Greens will support and uphold traditional marriage. This is simply outrageous. Mr Pyne's arrogant controversial secretly-recorded comments on homosexual marriage has put him at odds with his own party and millions of Australians. He should be sacked immediately. The Australian people wer...