Belize Catholic bishop condemns push for gay sex, orders schools to cut ties with Planned Parenthood
BELIZE CITY, March 14, 2014 – Belize's Roman Catholic Bishop Dorick Wright issued a directive to the country's Catholic schools stating that "organizations whose activities and positions are actively opposed to the moral teachings of the Catholic Church, and which endanger the souls of the People of God, cannot be welcomed under any circumstances in our schools.”
The bishop's letter specifically named the Belize Family Life Association (BFLA), the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM), the National AIDS Commission and the Red Cross program called “Together We Can,” according to Amandala News.
Bishop Dorick Wright
Bishop Wright charged these groups with promoting “the First World’s errors and problems” among “unsuspecting people,” such as the notion of “sexual rights” among children, as well as abortion and homosexuality, and warned that they “foster programs that ultimately undermine our Catholic values.”
“These organizations often present themselves as champions of some apparent good, whether it be to educate on sexuality and reproductive rights, AIDS, or to administer certain medical treatments or shots to our children, but despite some apparent good, you must, nevertheless, respectfully decline any and all invitation or association with any such organizations. I make this directive to all local managers of Catholic Schools, assistant local managers, all administrators, principals and teachers,” Bishop Wright said.
Stressing that Planned Parenthood is an international billion-dollar business that profits from the killing of babies through abortion, Bishop Wright said, "BFLA, the operational arm in Belize of International Planned Parenthood, is an instrument of the most serious crimes against life and our Christian morality.”
He also warned school officials that, “BFLA’s entreaties are sometimes made in such a way to confuse us, fooling some to believe that their work is endorsed by the Church.”
“Besides whatever good they might do," the bishop stated, "they nevertheless promote ‘sexual rights’ for children as young as 10 years of age, including a supposed ‘right to privacy’ from even their own parents and guardians, and in particular, their right to abortion without parental notification."
Bishop Wright concluded that, “This agenda of sodomy, abortion, and sexual gender redefinition is seeking to radically change Belize’s Christian character. I call on all of you to be vigilant with me against this threat to Belize’s moral foundations and family values.”
Belize, formerly British Honduras until the name of the country was changed in 1973, lies on the northeastern coast of Central America. According to the Antilles Episcopal Conference, 49.6 percent of the country's people are Roman Catholic.