
Showing posts from February, 2014

Why that Texas judge was wrong to strike down Texas’ marriage law

February 26, 2014 ( Heritage ) - Yet another judge  has struck down a state constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman . These rulings claim that the equal protection of the law requires the redefinition of marriage . It does not. State laws that reflect  the truth about marriage should be ruled constitutional . U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia discarded the votes of  76 percent of Texans  as he  struck down   Texas ’s 2005 constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of man and woman. In his opinion for the court, Garcia  claims  that the “court decision is not made in defiance of the great people of Texas or the Texas Legislature, but in compliance with the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court precedent.” He added that “without a rational relation to a legitimate governmental purpose, state-imposed inequality can find no refuge in our U.S. Constitution.” But this appeal to inequality fail...

Four businesses whose owners were penalized for their religious beliefs

February 26, 2014 ( Heritage )  - Editor’s note: Amid the heated debate over Arizona ’s SB 1062 law, which aims to protect religious liberty, it’s worth looking back at some of the ways that religious beliefs have come under attack in the public square in recent years. The language in this post that is quoted originally appeared in a  National Review Online  article  by Ryan T. Anderson and Leslie Ford. Kelsey Harris also contributed to this article. 1. Elane Photography Elane Huguenin and her husband, Jon, run Elane Photography, a small business in Albuquerque, N.M. Alliance Defending Freedom Back in 2006, the couple declined a request to photograph a same-sex ceremony because of a difference in beliefs. Elane explained: “The message a same-sex commitment ceremony communicates is not one I believe.” Elane Photography never refused to take pictures of gay and lesbian individuals, but it did decline to photograph a same-sex ceremony. Meanw...

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer bows to economic pressure in vetoing religious freedom act, say critics

PHOENIX, AZ , February 27, 2014 ( ) – Facing an intense national campaign of media and economic pressure, Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a bill that would have given Arizona business owners greater legal protections to exercise their faith in public. Senate Bill 1062  would have made it more difficult to sue business owners who refuse to participate in commerce that violates their religious convictions, such as making a cake for a same-sex “wedding.” “Senate Bill 1062 does not address a specific and present concern related to religious liberty in Arizona,” Brewer  said . “I have not heard of one example in Arizona where a business owner’s religious liberty has been violated.” However, lawsuits have been filed against a  Christian photographer in New Mexico ,  bakers in Colorado  and  Iowa , and an  elderly florist in Washington state  who refused to take part in same-sex ceremonies. Brewer obliquely referred to the ...

Kentucky must recognize foreign gay ‘marriages’ at once, state AG may not defend law

FRANKFORT, KY , February 27, 2014 – A federal judge refused to grant a stay to his ruling that Kentucky must recognize same-sex “marriages” conducted in other states, or foreign countries. That means the traditional, religious state must treat such unions as  bona fide  “marriages” at once. U.S. District Judge John G. Heyburn II   made the initial ruling on February 12 . On Thursday, he issued a final order striking down parts of a state law and a state constitutional marriage amendment supported by a wide majority of the voters. Judge John G. Heyburn II In 2004, 75 percent of the state's electorate approved a marriage protection amendment. Heyburn ruled that the measures “deny validly married same-sex couples equal recognition and benefits under Kentucky and federal law, those laws violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution , and they are void and unenforceable." A statewide  Bluegrass P...

Obama’s UN delegation tries to scrap parts of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

NEW YORK , February 27, 2014 ( ) - Angry over not getting a same-sex-friendly definition of the family into a new UN document, the Obama Administration tried to delete language agreed upon by the founders of the UN and repeated in documents since then. Regularly contentious in recent decades, the family has been a diplomatic football with one side eager to recognize “diverse forms of the family” while the other holds on to the understanding that the family is the “natural and fundamental group unit of society” taken directly from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Behind closed doors, US negotiators asked to replace the definition of family from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with a lengthy new description of families that have “diverse forms and functions” and express “diversity of individual preferences.” The proposed definition excluded the notion of the natural family, based on the union of a man and woman, as the norm for the procreation ...

Homosexual activists aim to ‘destroy the family’, impose ‘totalitarianism’: gay pro-family activist

ROME , February 27, 2014  – “I am a homosexual, but I’m against ‘gay marriage,’” a French pro-family activist told an Italian Catholic opinion paper earlier this month. Jean-Pier-Delaume Myard, spokesman for Manif Pour Tous, told  La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana  that the “sole purpose” of the homosexualist “gay rights” movement is “destroying the family.” Myard gave the interview following the first big pro-family Manif Pour Tous event in Italy on February 11. Myard noted that in a recent talk, he said “we must break the silence” about the real nature of the homosexualist movement, noting that many homosexuals “have nothing to do either closely or from a distance with the gay lobby that has the sole purpose of destroying the family.” “Since the seventies the gay community in the United States has arrogated to itself the right to speak on behalf of all homosexuals in order to destroy marriage and the family,” he told the Catholic paper. At the start, they...