Ron Latz states God makes homosexual sin
Via: @jhiscock
Minnesota will become the 12th state in the country, plus DC, to allow same-sex couples to marry, following a 37-30 vote of the state’s Senate on Monday.
I want you to note one particular comment.
Judiciary Committee Chair Ron Latz said, “God made gays. And god made gays capable of loving other people of the same gender. Who are we to quibble with god’s intentions?”
This accusation against God's nature, his holiness and righteousness is pure arrogance. It is possible that Latz is ignorant as to the nature of God, or that Latz maybe referring to another God but not the God of Holy Scripture.
Latz is accusing God intentionally of creating sinful beings, while at the same time scripture clearly declares that God condemns homosexuality as a grevous sin.
Yet scripture says we are made in God's image. That sin entered the world through Adam via Satan in rebellion against God.
Accusing a holy righteous God where there is no shadow of turning in his nature, where he does not change, where he is truth, and no lies, where it is impossible for sin to exist in his accuse God of creating sin, demonstrates in itself a higher sin.
Christ was accused by the Pharisees of performing miracles by the power of Satan, hence blaspheming the Holy Spirit who in reality was the means by which the miracle occurred.
Is this not the same?
Is this not the same accusation Satan falsely proposed to Eve, questioning the righteousness and truthfulness of God?
Is Ron Latz simply repeating the voice of Satan?