Homosexual activist prof. at University of Regina charged with child porn possession
REGINA, Saskatchewan, January 28, 2013 (LifeSiteNews.com) - A prominent Saskatchewan homosexual activist has been charged with possession of child pornography and suspended from his position as an English professor at the University of Regina, according to the Regina Leader-Post.
Nils Clausson, 66, was reportedly charged with one count of possession of child pornography after the university tipped off police.
Nils Clausson
"Notification by the university of some activities over there" led to Clausson being charged, said Sgt. Ron Weir of the Saskatchewan Internet Child Exploitation Unit.
"In regards to a place of employment contacting us, that doesn't happen very often," he added.
Well-known 'truth about homosexuality' activist Bill Whatcott pointed out that Clausson, who has taught at University of Regina since 1984, "is a prominent Saskatchewan homosexual activist and has been a keynote speaker at Saskatchewan homosexual events, including Regina's annual homosexual shame parade, for decades."
"Nils was also a contributor to Perceptions Magazine," Whatcott said. Whatcott has in the past taken issue with the publication after it ran an advertisement that read: “searching for boys/men for pen pals, friendship, exchanging video, pics… Your age, look & nationality is not so relevant.”
A search of the index of Perceptions Magazine, which bills itself as "the Gay & Lesbian Newsmagazine of the Prairies" reveals 15 articles promoting homosexuality that are by or linked to Nils Clausson.
Barbara Pollock, VP of external relations at the University of Regina, told the Leader-Post that the child pornography charge against Clausson has raised concern for the safety and wellbeing of students at the school, but that police are doing "whatever is necessary."
Pollock responded to a request for more details on the situation saying that as the case is before the courts she could not comment on specifics, but said the school is taking the allegations against Clausson very seriously.
"We take this matter very seriously and we want to see justice done, so the situation is very concerning to us," Pollock told LifeSiteNews, "because the wellbeing of students and faculty and staff is paramount to us."
A hearing is set for February 13 at Regina Provincial Court.