Leading homosexual rights advocate arrested on child pornography suspicions
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, September 25, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A prominent homosexual rights advocate surrendered to police on Thursday after being charged with two felony counts of child pornography possession and distribution, according to the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD).
Larry Brinkin was first arrested on the same allegations in June, but was released, with the SFPD citing the need for further investigation. Now he is awaiting arraignment while out on bail.
Larry Brinkin
The SFPD has released information indicating that some of the children used for Brinkin’s alleged pornography collection appear to be as young as one, two and three years old.
Accompanying the pornographic images of the children were racist and violent remarks also alleged to be made by Brinkin.
Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, told LifeSiteNews that people shouldn’t be shocked to learn that Brinkin, “the pioneering San Francisco homosexual activist who famously came up with the term ‘Domestic Partner,’” may have been involved in child pornography. “Sexual sin doesn’t satisfy and often deviance begets even worse sexual deviance,” he said. “Tragically, we see homosexual men disproportionately represented in pedophilia cases.”
Brinkin brought the first domestic partnership lawsuit against his employer in 1982, then went on to work for the pro-homosexual San Francisco Human Rights Commission until retiring in 2010. The week of his retirement was declared Larry Brinkin week by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
Larry Brinkin