Australian Marriage Equality
"As the movement towards same-sex marriage intensifies, the increasingly high-profile Australian Marriage Equality group has today sought to assure church groups across Australia that it has the utmost respect for their religious beliefs."
What does utmost respect mean? It actually means nothing. The AME fact sheet contains many logical errors.
"Australia has a proud heritage of distinguishing between civil and religious marriage and of reforming civil marriage so they remain relevant to our changing society"
Marriages both biblical and Act of Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. Either a celebrant or minister of religion are involved but this nothing to do with the definition of marriage. The Labor Government brought about this change to the Marriage Act. This is not a proud heritage. This had to do with people committing adultery and in order to get a divorce had to physically prove unfaithfulness.
So no fault divorce laws (which have devastated millions) were introduced so people could be sinful, self-centred, and do whatever they like. De-facto relationships emerged, and they screamed just like the AME for recognized benefits. Now that is completely out of control in Australia. This action by the government diminished marriage and has brought huge destruction to children, abuse of the welfare system.
Because of biblical law, (both Moses, Jesus and Apostle Paul outline the limitations) ministers are not permitted to remarry some who have divorce their partners for non-biblical reasons. Hence the government with no fault divorce jumped in and then came celebrant marriages.
This is not a proud heritage at all.
Marriage was not defined by Roman Law but was designed by God himself at Creation. Government now manage that role as given to them by God (Post Noah event laws).
To list the Metropolitian Community Church as a supporter of gay marriage begs beliefs. Originally from San Francisco, they have always been a homosexual group seeking legitimization by using the tag 'church.' By biblical definition they are not a church at all but a cult, like the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses etc. Of course they talk, speak, sound like a church but they are far from the truth and have been abandoned by God (Romans 1).
To even list one or two ministers from the Baptist Union or Uniting church is also irrelevant. There will always be people within movements who hold non-biblical views. Jesus spoke clearly of these people. They say Lord Lord did we not do good works, healing, were kind etc. But Jesus casts them into hell because they were workers of darkness, and he never knew them.
Too many Christians in Australia are becoming biblically illiterate. Regarding homosexuals they will say: God hates the sin but loves the sinner. The problem with that is God still sends the sinner to hell, not the sin.
Paul in Romans absolutely condemns homosexuality in all forms. In facts, it is listed as the worst examples of sins as acts of defiant rebellion against God.
Regarding punishment, Romans says God gives people over to the sins. In other words God withdraws all of the Holy Spirits refraining power from the person. They are abandoned by God. Many homosexuals at this point wait for lighting or the sky to fall, and when it doesn't they say; "See you Christians are wrong."
The Bible says the wheat and Tares will grow together and only at harvest will the separation occur. Like any other sin, everybody will stand before a righteous God and will be judged.
You either stand there with your sin ...but we love each other, it felt good, the government approved it, society supported, etc. The Holy God will see arrogant blatant sin. The only way out of this is repentance, turning away from sin and receiving the righteousness of Christ.
On that day, it will finally sink in that they were actually sinning against a holy and righteous God. To be abandoned by God is foolish.
So, AME, Australian Christians are looking at the tactics used by Stonewall in the UK where the UK Government has not given powers of discrimination to churches and charities, and the gays are abusing this power. They are taking Christians to court, Christians are loosing jobs, and are being demoted for presenting their religious views, police forces are getting homosexual training to change their view, it goes on and on. This is RAMPANT SIN dressed as respect, tolerance and a fair go.
We know that is where is will end up. So AME, I do not believe a word you say.