Brazil President Crazy Gay
Brazilian President Luiz Lula da Silva gave gifts to gays as his reign comes to an end, approving hundreds of millions of dollars for pro-homosexual propaganda, as well as a new government agency to promote the gay agenda.
In addition, Lula’s administration has begun to distribute “kits” to children between the ages of 7 and 12 years designed to encourage them to accept homosexuality. The kits reportedly include a DVD with a story about a fourteen-year-old who goes to the bathroom, and becomes sexually aroused while watching another student urinate in the stall next to him.
The DVD has sparked outrage from Jair Bolsonaro, a representative in the Brazilian National Congress, who denounced it in a recent floor speech as “shameful.”
Brazilian pro-family activist Julio Severo wrote recently: “The old man with the white beard of fiction (Santa Claus) gives inoffensive and innocent presents to children. The bearded man of the PT (Worker’s Party) guarantees the distribution of gay kits for schoolchildren.”
Severo’s claim that Lula has become the “Santa Claus for gays” has been adopted by the homosexual movement. Toni Reis, the leader of Brazil’s most influential homosexualist organization, said in a recent meeting with the President that “Lula is a very good person. He even has a white beard. He’s the Santa Claus for gays.”
Facing its final days, the Lula administration has made a last-ditch effort to pass its proposed “Homophobia Law,” also known as PLC 122, which would allow the government to silence all criticism of homosexuality. Despite the ultrapopular president’s support for the measure, and a majority pro-Lula coalition in the Brazilian Congress, his administration has never been able to pass the bill.
His efforts failed for the last time earlier this month.
Despite the loss, the Lula administration has showered the homosexual movement in Brazil with a panoply of gifts in the waning days of his administration. They include the creation of the “National Council to Combat Discrimination” (CNCD), whose apparent purpose is to bolster the power of the gay lobby. One of the members of the council will be Luiz Mott, the self-styled “dean” of the homosexual movement, who has made statements in the past suggesting the endorsement of pedophilia.
The creation of the CNCD on December 9, at the request of homosexual activists, followed the allocation of $178 million to combat “homophobia” in November. On the same day, Lula’s administration approved the awarding of pensions to homosexual couples, as well as other privileges normally reserved to married couples. On December 13, the administration gave the “Human Rights Award” to Reis, who is President of the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, and Transsexuals.
Lula’s enthusiasm for the homosexual agenda has been manifest throughout his administration. During his eight years in office, he has subsidized the homosexual movement with millions of dollars in aid, has moved to shut down television programming that criticizes the gay lifestyle, and has promoted international agreements to combat “homophobia.”
However, a recent poll indicated that, despite the Lula administration’s vigorous efforts to promote homosexualism, the Brazilian people continue to reject “civil union” legislation for gay couples.