
Pro-family Hungarians earn ‘partial victory’ as Coca-Cola pulls LGBT ads

Advocates for marriage and family in Budapest, Hungary, netted an apparent partial victory this week, a report says, after pushing back against controversial pro-LGBT advertisements placed in public locations throughout the Hungarian capital by multinational corporation Coca-Cola. Provocative and suggestive photos of same-sex couples closely sharing a Coke, along with rainbow-themed advertising stating, “Love is love” and containing slogans such as “Zero Sugar, Zero Prejudice,” were displayed in Coca-Cola ads beginning earlier this month in train stations and at bus stops in Budapest. The ad campaign coincided with the week-long Sziget music festival, held each year in early August in northern Budapest and expected to draw more than half a million people. A petition established August 2 by CitizenGO Hungary went viral, according to the petition platform’s associated online family advocacy site HazteOir, and had more than 41,000 signatures by press time. It came amid varied i

Joshua Harris embraces gay sin

Last week Joshua Harris announced that he is divorcing his wife, is no longer a Christian and has embraced LGBTQ+ views on sexuality and attended a pride event I don’t have a hot-take on this. Only grief. I am not surprised that apostasy exists in the world. Jesus warned us that it would happen (Matt. 13:20-22) and so did the apostles (Acts 20:30). And yet it is so painful and heartbreaking to witness. I resonate deeply with what Heath Lambert has written: The author of Hebrews warns, “Take care, brethren, that there not be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that falls away from the living God” (Heb 3:12).  Think about this verse, and consider that Joshua Harris—the man who summoned an entire generation to purity—has now left his wife, publicly rejected Christianity, and embraced the LGBTQ+ agenda. Let that sink in. Let that sink in, and be sobered. If this can happen to Joshua Harris, how much more do I need to heed the warning of Hebrews, and take care to avoid

Disney Channel ramps up its LGBTQ agenda in ‘Andi Mack’ show for kids

The season finale of a Disney Channel teen show made history by featuring the network’s first teenage homosexual couple. On  the Andi Mack show , Cyrus Goodman -- a 13-year-old male gay character -- confesses on the last episode his feelings for a male classmate, TJ Kippen. As romantic music plays on the soundtrack, Cyrus asks TJ, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” TJ responds, “Yeah,” and then asks the same question. Cyrus says “Yes” while TJ takes his hand. The camera pans away while the music swells as a fire illuminates the emotionally-charged scene.  Andi Mack has thus joined a number of other television shows aimed at children that feature transgender and/or homosexual characters. These include Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix, Euphoria on HBO, and Batwoman and Charmed on CW.  In February, the sexual orientation of the Cyrus character on Andi Mack was confirmed. At that time, he was the first to say “I’m gay” on a Disney Channel children’s te

LGBTQ support drops

The Accelerating Acceptance survey from the LGBT media monitoring organization, GLAAD recently uncovered a dramatic drop in "LGBT acceptance" among young adults aged 18–34.  Taken aback, LGBT activists immediately laid the blame on "an increase in hateful rhetoric in our culture", but a more likely explanation is that the consequences of the LGBT movement have come home to roost, and the resulting effects on women's rights, child health, and First Amendment protections are just too glaring to ignore. The 2019 Accelerating Acceptance Report asked American adults how comfortable they would be in a variety of social interactions with LGBT-identified people. Study participants weighed in on seven scenarios, including finding out their child had a lesson on LGBT history in school, learning a family member is LGBT, and discovering that their child's teacher is LGBT. Respondents who stated they were "very" or "somewhat" comfortable in al

Amazon inconsistent banning books - preferences LGBTQ agenda

On July 8, my publisher informed me that my book  Desires in Conflict ,  along with a number of other books on overcoming homosexuality by different authors, had been pulled off the catalog. A gay activist had worked for months to convince Amazon to take this action and, bolstered by 80,000 signatures on a petition, his wish had been granted. (See  here .) Before venting, I’ll admit to some admiration for any guy who gets 80,000 people to support a cause, then persuades a corporate giant like Amazon to seal the deal. Regardless, the purge is on, and only the most naïve will expect it to stop with us. Folks like me who profess that homosexuality need not be a life sentence will be among the first to feel the ax of cultural banishment, that Yellow Star imposed before the horror really kicks off. Look for more of our books to be burned and for more of us to be muzzled. But don’t kid yourself into thinking the mob will stop there. Heck, we’re just the appetizer.

Has Your Church Abandoned You to Handle LGBT Dilemmas On Your Own?

Three ethical dilemmas, each of them a true story. What do they have in common, other than the obvious? An analyst working at a major corporate headquarters says, “If I eat lunch at Chick-fil-A, I don’t dare mention it when I return to work. Chick-fil-A is ‘homophobic,’ they say, and they’ll report me to HR for creating a hostile work environment.” All the managers in one corporate department have placed LGBT “Ally” stickers on their office doors. All but one, that is: the one Christian there, who feels caught. By not putting a sticker on his own door, he’s making an unpopular statement — one that could earn him disciplinary action. A manager at another corporation sees his company throwing great public support behind last June’s LGBT “Pride” month. He feels an ethical urgency to talk to his boss about the Christian view being overlooked — if not outright steamrolled — in the process. His boss is homosexual, by the way. I didn’t make up these stories. These are friends of m