
San Diego bishop praises pro-gay parish - heretic

The director of the young adult ministry at a parish San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy recently praised for its "welcoming" attitude toward " LGBT worshippers" is an openly gay man who works for an organization that supports same-sex "marriage" and women's ordination. The   San Diego Union Tribune   reported that McElroy cited St. John the Evangelist in Hillcrest as an example of a parish where "LGBT worshippers 'feel particularly welcome.'" "That’s a very good thing," he said. McElroy was commenting on the Diocese of San Diego's recent synod on the family, after which he   encouraged priests to give Holy Communion to the divorced and "remarried" and embrace "LGBT families." St. John the Evangelist advertises on its Twitter page: "In worship and in sacrament, our Catholic parish is called to extend God's kingdom to young and old, gay and straight, single, married or divorced.&qu

Walmart earns 100% gay approval rating on homosexual group’s corporate scorecard -God 0%

For the first time ever, Walmart has scored a “perfect” 100 percent ranking on a leading homosexual lobby group’s “corporate scorecard,” meaning that to keep its score the retail giant will now cover transsexual employees’ “ sex reassignment surgeries ” as part of its healthcare coverage. God's law score 0 The decidedly   anti-social-conservative   “Corporate Equality Index”   (CEI) is produced by Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the world’s largest homosexual-bisexual-transgender lobby organization . Companies are ranked by whether or not they adopt pro- LGBTQ workplace and giving policies. From year to year, HRC usually makes the criteria more stringent, thus driving corporations to adopt ever-more radical pro-LGBTQ internal policies and commitments to maintain their “perfect” scores. Walmart’s new 100 percent score (up from 90 percent on last year’s scorecard) marks its steadily growing embrace of LGBTQ advocacy at the expense of its wholesome, pro-family image. Gay sin

Australia: Daniels pro LGBT agenda for Christian Schools dumped

For years now, ACL supporters like you have been campaigning to ensure that Christian schools are able to maintain their distinctive character and ethos . The government’s Orwellian -named Equal Opportunity Bill would have restricted the ability of Christian schools to hire staff that shared the values and ethos of the organisation. This would have had dramatic consequences for school communities. Christian schools make a valuable contribution to our society. They provide an environment that reflects the Christian values and ethos that parents model to their children at home. I’m proud to report that this attack on religious freedom was voted down yesterday. This is a tremendous win and I’m so grateful to you for your support over the years as we’ve fought for this important outcome. The Andrews government's proposed changes to the Equal Opportunity Act would have destroyed the ability of Christian schools to hire and retain all staff on the basis that they are genuine adh

Canadian Navy unit’s mandatory ‘diversity’ training. And it’s nuts.

A couple of months ago, I   wrote a column detailing the story of a Christian sailor   in the Royal Canadian Navy who narrowly avoided having to participate in the Navy’s celebration of Gay Pride week . The celebration of an ideology firmly opposed to traditional Christianity, I pointed out, was another way of forcing conscientious Christians out of the Armed Forces. Since that story ran, I’ve received a number of emails and messages from Christians throughout the Canadian military , all telling me that the secular progressive takeover has become increasingly intrusive, and increasingly mandatory. Last week, I received another email from a Canadian sailor, this time giving details of his unit's mandatory diversity training, which includes the introduction of the idea of “Positive Spaces,” which are similar to “safe spaces,” but involve the mandatory affirmation of lifestyles that many Christians might oppose on principle. The email read as follows: On Wednesday, 30 No

An open advocate of the LGBT cause co-wrote the Ontario bishops’ new religion program, and it shows

Ontario’s Catholic Bishops made use of a pro- homosexual Catholic educrat in writing their new “ Religious Education ” program for grades 9-12 students in Catholic schools across the province.  Michael Way-Skinner of the York Catholic District School Board is listed at the end of the 283-page   Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document   as a member of the 8 person “writing team.” The program, which was released online last week, was prepared by the Institute for Catholic Education, the Ontario bishops’ curriculum arm.  Michael Way-Skinner presents his strategy for making Catholic schools pro- LGBTQ at a pro-gay educators’ conference in 2015. Skinner, who is his board’s coordinator for “Religious Education, Family Life and Equity,”   told educators at a pro-homosexual educators’ conference last year   his strategy of cherry picking through ecclesial documents dealing with homosexuality and pulling out the portions that provide what he cal