
St. Petersburg court rules Russian gay advocacy group is a ‘foreign agent’

THE GRAND KREMLIN PALACE, MOSCOW. President Putin with Lyudmila Putin at a party after the inauguration ceremony. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Citing the Russian laws against homosexual propaganda, and rules governing NGOs that receive foreign funding, a St. Petersburg court has ruled that the Russian LGBT advocacy group called Vykhod (Coming Out) must register itself as a "foreign agent." The group is a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) located in Geneva, Switzerland , and is linked with the LGBT Network based in Scotland . According to Vykhod's Facebook page , Judge Naidyonova of the Vasileostrovsky District Court of St. Petersburg ruled the group is a foreign agent because it is “engaged in political activities on behalf of foreign countries,” and is in violation of the laws against homosexual propaganda because its activities and publications discriminate against “persons with traditional sexual orientation.” Legislation passed

Three Lithuanian TV stations refuse ad from gay activist group

English: A man with a rainbow flag at the Gay Sin  parade in New York City, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A video produced for Lithuanian television stations by homosexual activists is being investigated by an ethics watchdog after TV three different TV stations refused to air it. “The video contains elements that need to be evaluated by experts. It will happen not earlier than September,” Zita Zamzickienė, Lithuanian Journalistic Ethics Inspector, said in a statement to Baltic News Service (BNS). The video spot was created by the Lithuanian Gay League, the country’s leading homosexualist lobby group, affiliated with the politically powerful ILGA Europe . BNS reports that three major television stations, LNK, TV3 and Lietuvos Ryto TV , have refused the ad under concerns that it may violate the Law on the Protection of Minors Against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information that prohibits promotion of homosexuality. TV3 asked the office of the ethics inspector to

A minister tries to engage gay couple in converstion on “Living with the enemy” - gays chose arguments and abuse

Anglican minister David Ould ( far right ), with gay couple Gregory Storer and Michael Barnett, from the new SBS Documentary series ‘ Living With the Enemy ’. What was your experience like in the filming? Do you feel like the producers lived up to the expectations you had, how they pitched the show to you? It was pretty intense, but we knew that it had been. I had nothing but praise for the production company , and the way that they kept to the obligations that we asked them to keep. They were sensitive to my family. While they wanted to get the job done, but we had a couple of issues around how the children would be involved, and what that would look like, and they were absolutely brilliant. I cannot praise them enough for bending over backwards to work with us. So while it was intense—and it was very weird having people film pretty much everything that you do—at the same time they were a delight to have with us, everybody… was great to have around. It was hard work, but they made

Government punishes farmers for saying no to Gay marriage ceremony - Nazi re-eduation underway

"This is coercive big government run amok." That is the phrase  The Daily Signal  has used to describe  a recent bit of news  from New York state which represents only the latest act of bullying and intimidation by the same-sex marriage lobby against those of us who refuse to step in line with their radical ideology. This time, the victims of this discriminatory and bigoted targeting are a couple who rent out their family farm for wedding receptions, but who respectfully declined renting to a lesbian couple because they could not in sound conscience participate in such an event. To the Orwellian New York Human Rights Commission, however, this kind of conscientious dissent is  ungoodthink . The farm owners, Cynthia and Robert Gifford , are  being fined $13,000.00  for this malfeasance: $10,000 in civil damages to the State of New York and $1,500 to each of the two women of the couple denied services, for the "mental anguish" they have supposedly suffered

Leading gay activist appointed to British House of Lords

Pro-homosexual - anti marriage David Cameron's picture on the 10 Downing Street website (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A co-founder of Stonewall, Britain’s powerful LGBT lobby group, and the longtime head of the European Parliament ’s Intergroup on LGBT Rights, was named to the House of Lords last week by Prime Minister David Cameron ’s coalition government. A spokesman for the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) told they are concerned that with the appointment, Michael “ Cashman will use his role in Britain’s ‘revising chamber’ to continue his campaigning against life and family.” Cashman, a retired Labor Party-affiliated MEP who represented the West Midlands in the European Parliament since 1999 and retired in May, has been a key player in the press for Britain to adopt the LGBT political agenda. He was one of the principal figures within Stonewall  pressuring the group  to adopt as a lead policy the demand to change the definition of

6th Circuit judge asks gay activists: why use the courts to redefine marriage?

Same Sex Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What the  New York Times  correctly calls “the steady march of judicial approval for same-sex marriage over the past year” hit a speed bump, if not a road block, this week as the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit heard arguments in six same-sex marriages cases appealed by four states. Judges have been marching in lock-step to overturn democratic laws which define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. More than more than two dozen lower courts and two appeals courts have ruled that gay couples have a right to marry. Some states have fought back, including Kentucky, Michigan , Ohio and Tennessee, whose cases came before three judges of Sixth Circuit this week. “Who gets to decide what the definition of marriage is?” asked Aaron D. Lindstrom, solicitor general of Michigan. And for once, it seems, a judge thought it was a good question.  The Times  reports: Judge Jeffrey S. Sutton , one of the B

Gay group accuses Newfoundland magazine of hate crimes for piece on Christian sexual teaching

English: Protesters for gay marriage at the 2009 Marcha Gay in Mexico City (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A Newfoundland homosexual group filed a hate crimes complaint under the Criminal Code with the police last week after a local magazine published an opinion piece urging Christians to promote the Scriptural teachings on the sinfulness of homosexuality, abortion, and other acts against a secularist establishment. The  Newfoundland Herald  published the piece by US columnist and constitutional lawyer Matt Barber as a letter to the editor in its August 3-9 issue. Western Pride NL activist Kyle Curley, who filed the complaint, alleged in an interview with CBC that the piece was “a rallying call for people to stand against  LGBT rights ” and “hate propaganda.” However, he dropped the complaint this week after the magazine’s managing editor apologized for causing offense. "Many beautiful, wise, wonderful and caring people were hurt and angered by Barber's lett