
Same-Sex Marriage and Unions will Lead to a Push for Polygamy

Image via Wikipedia Marriage is a public institution (not purely a private relationship) because it serves two public purposes: bringing together men and women for the reproduction of the human race , and keeping together a man and woman to raise to maturity the children produced by their union. The existence of future generations of children is fundamental to the survival of any society . The quality of their nurture is directly related to the quality of life within that society. Bonding the man and woman whose sexual union produces a child to one another and to that child is by far the healthiest way of insuring that nurture. Opposite- sex relationships are the only type  capable  of producing children through natural intercourse, and the only ones  assured  of providing children with both a mother and a father. Affirming only opposite-sex relationships as "marriage" thus makes perfect sense. The common sense understanding that children should have both a mother and a

Pro-“Gay” Activist Admits It: Bullying Hysteria May Cause Suicides, Not Prevent Them

Image via Wikipedia Ever since the highly-publicized suicide of a New Jersey college student in September of 2010, pro- homosexual activists have been using the issues of bullying and teen suicide as tools in pursuit of their political agenda, and as rhetorical weapons against those who oppose it. Every time another report surfaced about a suicide by a teenager who identified as or was perceived to be “gay,” and who had reportedly been bullied, the finger would be pointed directly at conservatives. Bullying causes suicides , we were told, and public expression of conservative political, social, or religious viewpoints concerning homosexuality causes bullying. Affirm homosexual conduct as morally neutral, or more kids will die. As early as October of 2010, however, experts on suicide prevention were warning that this simplistic approach linking suicides (which are always tragic) to bullying (which is always wrong) could do more harm than good. An  article based on an interview  with

Obama and his immoral gay agenda

Image via Wikipedia The Obama State Department has an interesting interpretation of "diplomacy." From  Kenya  to El Salvador , ambassadors are tasked--not with advancing America 's interests--but the interests of the President's radical social agenda. In most cases, this aggressive strategy has made more enemies of nations than friends. Mari Carmen Aponte is Exhibit A. As the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador , Aponte has taken it upon herself to school an overwhelmingly Christian nation about the "virtues" of homosexuality. In a controversial op-ed, she lectured the Salvadorians about the need to embrace homosexuality. She also implied that the country's disapproval of the aberrant behavior was somehow rooted in ignorance. The column sparked such outrage that leaders of the country have called for her removal "as soon as possible so that El Salvador may enjoy the benefits of having a better person as a government representative..." "Ms

Dutch study shows Gay depressed even in an open and tolerant community

Image via Wikipedia FOR A LARGE part of the past century, homosexuality itself was   seen as a mental disorder . In 1973, the American Psychiatric   Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders .   This removal came about because of support from research findings 1 ,   2 ,  3 ,  4  and as a result of a persistent plea by both professionals   and activists. 5 In response to the former psychiatric stigmatization of homosexuality and   ideologically inspired by a social movement aiming to achieve   greater acceptance of homosexual people, some authors subsequently   stressed the equality in mental health status of homosexual   and heterosexual people. 6 ,  7  Others suggested that the mental   health status of homosexual people might be impaired owing to   various stresses, either temporary or in specific subgroups. 8   Some authors expected an upsurge in suicidal behaviors, especially   in adolescence and young adulthood, as a consequence of the   stresses expe

Gays still depressed even in open tolerant Netherlands

Image via Wikipedia This study found a higher prevalence of various psychiatric   disorders in homosexual people compared with heterosexual people,   both regarding the preceding 12 months as well as on a lifetime   basis. These differences seem to be gender specific with a higher   prevalence of substance use disorders in homosexual women and   a higher prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in homosexual   men, both compared with their heterosexual counterparts. The interpretation of these findings requires consideration   of some potential limitations, which could have cumulatively   either inflated or deflated actual differences in prevalence   rates. 25  Among those people contacted, there could have been   a nonresponse related to homosexual behavior . Although nonresponse to specific questions was negligible owing to the computer-assisted   interviewing, subjects might have differed in their reporting   behavior. Compared with heterosexual men, homosexual men might   have be