
Kids of Homosexual do worse in School in Australia

A 1996 study by an Australian sociologist compared children raised by heterosexual married couples , heterosexual cohabiting couples, and homosexual cohabiting couples. It found that the children of heterosexual married couples did the best, and children of homosexual couples the worst, in nine of the thirteen academic and social categories measured. Sotirios Sarantakos, “Children in three contexts: Family, education and social development,” Children Australia 21, No. 3 (1996): 23-31. Related articles Michele Bachamann: Gays Can Marry People Of The Opposite Sex ( A Lesson in Couple Stability From Homosexual Zebra Finches ( Married Gay Binational Couple Brandon and Luke Vow to Fight DOMA ( One in six cohabiting as marriage rate declines ( Still A Fight For Gay Soldiers ( Gay Marriage: Catholics and a (Selective) Common Good. ( What is a domestic partnership

Demands for legalization of polygamy would grow with acceptance of Gay Marriage

Image by anitakhart via Flickr If the natural sexual complementarity of male and female and the theoretical procreative capacity of an opposite-sex union are to be discarded as principles central to the definition of marriage, then what is left? According to the arguments of the homosexual “marriage” advocates, only love and companionship are truly necessary elements of marriage. But if that is the case, then why should other relationships that provide love, companionship, and a lifelong commitment not also be recognized as “marriages”—including relationships between adults and children, or between blood relatives, or between three or more adults? And if it violates the equal protection of the laws to deny homosexuals their first choice of marital partner, why would it not do the same to deny pedophiles, polygamists, or the incestuous the right to marry the person (or persons) of their choice? Of these, the road to polygamy seems the best-paved—and it is the most difficult for homo

If Gay Marriage is approved birth rates would fall

Image via Wikipedia One of the most fundamental tasks of any society is to reproduce itself. That is why virtually every human society up until the present day has given a privileged social status to male-female sexual relationships—the only type capable of resulting in natural procreation . This privileged social status is what we call “marriage.” Extending the benefits and status of “marriage” to couples who are intrinsically incapable of natural procreation (i.e., two men or two women) would dramat ically change the social meaning of the institution. It would become impossible to argue that “marriage” is about encouraging the formation of life-long, potentially procreative (i.e., opposite-sex) relationships. The likely long-term result would be that fewer such relationships would be formed, fewer such couples would choose to procreate, and fewer babies would be born. There is already evidence of at least a correlation between low birth rates and the legalization of same-sex

If Gay Marriage is approved More children would grow up fatherless.

Cover via Amazon This harm is closely related to the previous one, but worth noting separately. As more children grow up without a married mother and father, they will be deprived of the tangible and intangible benefits and security that come from that family structure. However, most of those who live with only one biological parent will live with their mothers. In the general population, 79% of single-parent households are headed by the mother, compared to only 10% which are headed by the father.52 Among homosexual couples, as identified in the 2000 census, 34% of lesbian couples have children living at home, while only 22% of male couples were raising children.53 The encouragement of homosexual relationships that is intrinsic in the legalization of same-sex “marriage” would thus result in an increase in the number of children who suffer a specific set of negative consequences that are clearly associated with fatherlessness. Homosexual activists say that having both a mother and a

If Gay Marriage get approved fewer children would be raised by a married mother and father

Image via Wikipedia The greatest tragedy resulting from the legalization of homosexual “marriage” would not be its effect on adults, but its effect on children. For the first time in history, society would be placing its highest stamp of official government approval on the deliberate creation of permanently motherless or fatherless households for children. There simply cannot be any serious debate, based on the mass of scholarly literature available to us, about the ideal family form for children. It consists of a mother and father who are committed to one another in marriage. Children raised by their married mother and father experience lower rates of many social pathologies, including: • premarital childbearing; • illicit drug use; • arrest; • health, emotional, or behavioral problems; • poverty; • or school failure or expulsion. These benefits are then passed on to future generations as well, because children raised by their married mother and father are themselves less l

If Gay Marriage is approved fewer people would remain married for a lifetime.

Image via Wikipedia Lawrence Kurdek, a homosexual psychologist from Ohio ’s Wright State University, who has done extensive research on the nature of homosexual relationships , has correctly stated, “Perhaps the most important ‘bottom-line’ question about gay and lesbian couples is whether their relationships last.” After extensive research, he determined that “it is safe to conclude that gay and lesbian couples dissolve their relationships more frequently than heterosexual couples, especially heterosexual couples with children.” Once again, abundant research has borne out this point. Older studies came to similar conclusions. In one study of 156 male couples, for instance, only seven had been together for longer than five years (and none of those seven had remained sexually faithful to each other). International findings are similar. The Dutch study mentioned earlier, which highlighted so dramatically the promiscuous nature of male homosexual relationships, also showed their tran

Gay Marriage will force fewer people would remain monogamous and sexually faithful

Image via Wikipedia One value that remains remarkably strong, even among people who have multiple sexual partners before marriage, is the belief that marriage itself is a sexually exclusive relationship. Among married heterosexuals , having sexual relations with anyone other than one’s spouse is still considered a grave breach of trust and a violation of the marriage covenant by the vast majority of people. Yet the same cannot be said of homosexuals—particularly of homosexual men . Numerous studies of homosexual relationships, including “partnered” relationships, covering a span of decades, have shown that sex with multiple partners is tolerated and often expected, even when one has a “long-term” partner. Perhaps the most startling of these studies was published in the journal AIDS . In the context of studying HIV risk behavior among young homosexual men in the Netherlands (coincidentally, the first country in the world to legalize homosexual civil “marriage”), the researchers fo