
LSN reporter Matthew Hoffman speaks to Brazilians about dangers of homosexual movement

  Latin America Correspondent Matthew Cullinan Hoffman has recently returned from a two-week Brazilian speaking tour on the dangerous rise of the homosexual movement and its link to the corrupted sexual morals of heterosexuals. Hoffman spoke to a large number of Catholic bishops and priests, as well as Evangelical ministers and laity, who received his message with gratitude. Three of the talks were live-streamed on the internet and a fourth was recorded for possible distribution by a Protestant family ministry. Hoffman speaks at the Campos dos Afonsos Baptist Church in Rio de Janeiro . Two of the talks can be found  here  beginning at 1:03:30, and here  at 15:20 (the second talk lacked audio until that moment). “The topic of homosexuality has become a very sensitive topic in recent years,” noted Hoffman in his opening remarks. “The reason tha Image by Getty Images via @daylife t it a sensitive topic is that the homosexual movement has been very successful in its approach, in its p

Christian counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘sensitivity training’ goes to court

Keeton VNR from ADF Media Relations on Vimeo . News Print Article   |    Email Friend   |   Reprint Permissions Case of counseling student forced to undergo pro-homosexual ‘ sensitivity training ’ goes to court BY  BEN JOHNSON Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:57 EST Comments (11) Tags:  Freedom ,  Homosexuality ,  Jennifer Keeton   . WASHINGTON,  – After losing at a lower court, a counseling student at a public university in Georgia who was threatened with expulsion because she express discomfort with counseling homosexuals, is pleading her case before an Appeals Court this week. A  legal complaint  filed on behalf of Jennifer Keeton accuses Augusta State University of placing Keeton on academic probation after she refused to comply with faculty instructions that she must, in their words, “alter her beliefs” on homosexuality and “gender identity.” The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF)  is representing  her. The ADF’s media office told the court had placed a gag order on the c

Homosexuality Is Not a Civil Right

Image via Wikipedia Early in 2004, San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom began giving out marriage licenses—illegally—to same-sex couples. One of the homosexuals who traveled to San Francisco in search of a marriage license explained his rationale succinctly: “I am tired of sitting at the back of the bus.”1 The allusion, of course, was to the famous story of Rosa Parks . Parks is the African- American woman who, one day in 1955, boarded a racially segregated city bus in Montgomery, Alabama, sat down near the front, and refused the driver’s order to “move to the back of the bus.” Parks’ act of civil disobedience violated one of the “Jim Crow” laws that enforced racial segregation in various public services and accommodations in some states. Parks’ arrest for her courageous defiance sparked the Montgomery bus boycott , led by a young minister named Martin Luther King, Jr. , which is generally viewed as the beginning of the great civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. It culminated

Gay Activists and Occupy Wall Street in Massachusetts targets pro-family pastor

SPRINGFIELD, Massachusetts, Members of Occupy Wall Street in Springfield, Massachusetts targeted Pastor Scott Lively and his inner-city Christian mission two Fridays ago with a loud, well-organized protest. The Springfield division of the anti-corporate movement accused the pastor of “hate” crimes against homosexuals. Pastor Lively is the author of two books opposing the homosexual agenda:  “ The Pink Swastika : Homosexuality and the Nazi Party ” and “Why and How to Defeat the ‘Gay’ Movement.” The group also denounced the pastor for calling homosexual acts a “behavioral disorder” and equating them with “alcoholism and bulimia” and “sexual sins such as adultery and polygamy.” Occupy Springfield targeted Holy Grounds Coffee House, the pastor’s initiative to provide a spiritual lighthouse to the often dangerous downtown neighborhood, as the location for their march and protest. A video of the encounter shows protestors marching up to the Coffee House chanting “Hey-Hey, Ho-Ho, homopho