
Activists mount $1M campaign for GOP to endorse gay ‘marriage’

Two men in handshake during San Francisco Immoral Marriage March with banner "We all deserve the freedom to sin" (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) WASHINGTON, D.C. – The 2014 midterm elections are still months away, but a group of young Republican activists have set their sights on 2016 as they meet in Iowa this week to launch a planned two-year, $1 million effort to convince the GOP to adopt support for same-sex “marriage” as part of the party platform . “It’s time for the party to modernize on this issue,” Margaret Hoover of “Young Conservatives for the Freedom to Marry ” – a spinoff of the national “Freedom to Marry” homosexual advocacy group – told  Politico . “Savvy 2016 candidates realize that this is not going to be a winning wedge issue .” Hoover and her colleagues from Freedom to Marry will hold several meetings in Iowa this week in an attempt to recruit supporters of same-sex “marriage” to run for slots as delegates for the National Republican Convention in 201

Documentary shows beauty in the struggle against same-sex attraction

Español: Intercambio de anillos entre los novios (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There’s a saying about changing the world by telling a good story. When first clicking on the link to watch the newly-released  Desire of the Everlasting Hills , you might be suspecting some syrupy presentation on preserving the environment, or perhaps a knockoff of  Heaven is for Real . But a few minutes into the film you immediately become drawn into the lives of three individuals — Paul, Dan, and Rilene — who candidly lay bare their souls as they describe their journey through life with same-sex attraction . A little more than halfway through the 60-minute film, you’ll very likely find yourself crying as they share their testimony to God ’s grace breaking through and changing their lives. By the end, you’ll probably be thanking God that you were able to witness the power of His transforming love in the lives of these people who courageously and humbly tell their stories. How does  Desire  succee

The Supreme Court already ruled there’s no constitutional right to gay ‘marriage’—in 1972

United States Supreme Court building. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Have you ever heard of the 1972  U.S. Supreme Court decision in a case called  Baker v. Nelson ? If so, you are probably a lawyer, or (like me) a person who regularly reads briefs and court decisions on the issue of redefining “marriage” to include homosexual couples. If you have never heard of this case, you can be forgiven — even if you regularly read news stories about the movement for the same-sex redefinition of marriage . However,  Baker v. Nelson  is an important precedent on this issue. It was the very first case in which anyone ever asserted that the Constitution of the United States protects the right to legally “marry” a person of the same sex. In  Baker , a male couple sued a county clerk in Minnesota for denying them a marriage license in May 1970. The case made its way to the Supreme Court of Minnesota — which, on October 15, 1971, issued a ruling declaring that the state’s marriage law did not

Retail chain Target joins legal battle against man-woman marriage

English: Logo of Target, US-based retail chain (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) After several years of support for homosexual advocacy efforts, the retail chain Target has joined the legal fight to dismantle the definition of marriage as one and one woman. The company announced this week that they have filed an amicus brief with the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals backing “marriage equality.” In a blog post  Tuesday, Jodee Kozlak, Target’s executive vice president and chief human resources officer, said they filed the brief to oppose bans on same-sex “marriage” in Wisconsin and Indiana . She wrote: It is our belief that everyone should be treated equally under the law, and that includes rights we believe individuals should have related to marriage. … At Target, we have long offered comprehensive, competitive benefits to our LGBT team members and their families, often above what is legally required. We continue to do so today because we believe doing so is right for our t

British gvmt to fund sperm bank for lesbians and single women

English: The Daily Mail clock, just off Kensington High Street (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) British taxpayers will soon be on the hook for a sperm bank that will allow lesbian and single mothers to create children without the involvement of a father. As  reported  by  The Daily Mail , for approximately $500 women will be able to find anonymous sperm donors . The database will allow searches for a variety of characteristics, including ethnicity, weight, religion, and hobbies. The sperm bank is being funded by over $120,000 in taxpayer dollars, in addition to approximately $200,000 given to the National Gamete Donation Trust (NGDT). While critics such as Rochester ’s former Anglican bishop , Michael Nazir-Ali , say the bank puts the welfare of the child second to preferences of parents, NGDT's chief executive said that the bank is responding to demand from "same-sex couples and single women." Laura Witjens also said that "it’s become more socially acceptable

Is the gay bullying plague in schools a myth?

Some schools have gay–straight alliances or similar groups to counter homophobia and bullying and provide support for LGBT students in school but it is a lie. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Hon Christopher Pyne    Minister for Education    Dear Mr Pyne , I trust you, or your advisors, will give serious consideration to the medical evidence below and reconsider your decision to fund the so-called Safe Schools programme throughout Australia . The political justification for ‘Safe Schools’ programmes, or the associated ‘ Gay-Straight Alliances ’, is that there is a plague of gay-based bullying in our schools, and the only way to counter that is through celebrating homosexuality. That justification, however, is doubtful. In one  large study  comparing a thousand homosexual and heterosexual adults in the UK , published in the  British Journal of Psychiatry  in 2003, the researchers found no increase in bullying of gay men compared to heterosexual men, whether at school or sub

Megachurch pastor: Denominations that allow gay ‘marriage’ are ‘Satan’s church’

In the wake of the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s recent decision to celebrate same-sex “marriages,” celebrity pastor John MacArthur of “Grace to You” has come out with some strong statements condemning “false churches” that abandon Biblical teachings against homosexual behavior. “They have no allegiance to the Bible,” MacArthur told  The Blaze  online news service. “You go back to every one of those seminaries … for a century [they] have been deniers of biblical authority, they have no relationship to scripture, they are the apostate church, they are Satan’s church.” While it seems clear MacArthur was implying that self-professed Christians who accept gay “marriage” are doing Satan’s work, not necessarily worshiping the devil, it is worth noting that the actual  Satanic Temple of America  has called same-sex “marriage” one of its “ sacraments .” MacArthur, who is Baptist, believes in the teachings of John Calvin regarding the inerrancy and literal truth of Scripture.  The PCU