
Rainbow Sash Movement thanks Archbishop Niederauer for tolerating parish’s homosexual activism

WASHINGTON, DC, December 6, 2011  – An organization dedicated to advancing acceptance of homosexuality in the Catholic Church is thanking the archbishop of San Francisco for tolerating a San Francisco church’s activism for their cause. Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church in San Francisco, a parish that is known nationally for its homosexual activism,  invited  Otis Charles, the former Episcopal bishop of Utah, to preach at its November 30 Advent Vespers service . Members of the Rainbow Sash Movement prepare to protest Catholic Church teaching on homosexuality at a Catholic church. Charles is well-known for having publicly ended his marriage of 42 years in 1993 and announcing he was homosexual. In April 2004, he “ married ” his partner in a ceremony attended by his nine-year-old grandson. The Rainbow Sash Movement, which lobbies for the Roman Catholic Church to give its homosexual and transgendered members Holy Communion, says it is “encouraged” that Archbishop George Hugh Niederauer ma

Obama pledges overhaul of U.S. agencies to impose normalizing homosexual sin abroad

WASHINGTON, D.C. , December 6, 2011 - President Obama on Tuesday promised to revamp America’s international presence in favor of the gay rights agenda, pledging that U.S. officials would be trained to specially assist gay persons, and would combat foreign communities’ “intolerance” by helping normalize gay orientation and sexual activity, among other changes. In a memorandum on “ International Initiatives to Advance the Human Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Persons ,” Obama said the effort to “end discrimination” against homosexuals is “central to the United States commitment to promoting human rights.” "Under my Administration, agencies engaged abroad have already begun taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere," stated Obama. “Under my Administration, agencies engaged abroad have already begun taking action to promote the fundamental human rights of LGBT persons everywhere,” stated Obama. “Our deep commitment to ad

Gay Agenda resulted from the university cultural left by Kevin Donnelly

Image via Wikipedia Dennis Altman , in a comment piece for yesterday's The Age in response to the ALP conference's decision on gay marriage writes: "The campaign for marriage equality, largely run by younger women and men, not all of them gay, is one of the most successful examples of effective lobbying in Australia over the past few decades." Altman is correct. The questions social conservatives need to ask, though, are why has the cultural-left been so successful in shaping the public debate and why have we reached a stage where many expect that the Australian Parliament, in the near future, will radically redefine the definition of marriage? Image via Wikipedia One of the key strategies used by the left in the culture wars is to take a medium to long-term view and to embark on what the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci describes as the long march through the institutions. Beginning in the late '60s and early '70s, institutions like schools and univer

The Canadian Supreme Court and Homosexuality

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Gay activist admits: bullying hysteria may cause suicides, not prevent them

Image by via Flickr December 2, 2011 ( ) - Ever since the highly-publicized suicide of a New Jersey college student in September of 2010, pro- homosexual activists have been using the issues of bullying and teen suicide as tools in pursuit of their political agenda , and as rhetorical weapons against those who oppose it. Every time another report surfaced about a suicide by a teenager who identified as or was perceived to be “gay,” and who had reportedly been bullied, the finger would be pointed directly at conservatives. Bullying causes suicides , we were told, and public expression of conservative political, social, or religious viewpoints concerning homosexuality causes bullying. Affirm homosexual conduct as morally neutral, or more kids will die. As early as October of 2010, however, experts on suicide prevention were warning that this simplistic approach linking suicides (which are always tragic) to bullying (which is always wrong) could do more harm th

It’s not like they didn’t hear the truth on homosexuality: Waiting on Canada’s Supreme Court: Part 1

Image via Wikipedia OTTAWA, Ontario , - In much of the judicial world today arguments are made which don’t get to the heart of the issue, but are made to fit within judicial precedents and court standards in order to achieve specific rulings.  That reality is often frustrating for the public who are led to wonder if the fullness of truth ever reaches the ears of judges called to provide justice. It’s been nearly two months since the Supreme Court of Canada heard what will likely be the nation’s seminal case on homosexual ‘hate speech’ and religious freedom. The case, Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) v.  William Whatcott  involves a well-known pro-family activist who pushes the boundaries of free speech with what many regard as crude flyers detailing the physical health risks of homosexual sex acts. The Tribunal found that Whatcott had violated section 14(1)(b) of the province’s human rights code, which prohibits speech that “exposes or tends to expose to hatred, ridicul

Lawsuit against New York’s homosexual ‘marriage’ law moves forward

WASHINGTON,  – A New York state judge has allowed a lawsuit that could overturn the state’s homosexual “marriage” law to move forward. Acting State Supreme Court Justice Robert Wiggins ruled that the courts could decide whether Governor Andrew Cuomo violated a law requiring his meetings with Republicans in the state senate to be open to the public. Rev. Jason J. McGuire filed the lawsuit, arguing that secret meetings between the New York governor and Republicans showed "a flagrant disregard for the intention of the law." “There is no demonstration that the public welfare on this issue required secrecy,” Justice Wiggins  wrote  in his November 18 decision. Cuomo secretly met with weary Republicans in the Governor’s Mansion in Albany on June 24, as they prepared to vote on the “ Marriage Equality Act.” They locked out the public and press, and denied registered lobbyists access to politicians. The plaintiffs  contend  that “at least two meetings” violate the 1976 New Yor