
Australia: Consequences of homosexual fake marriage

The former head of the Australian Christian Lobby says Christians have suffered consequences as a result of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Israel Folau is the prime example of intolerance towards Christians who know homosexuality is a sin. Lyle Shelton, managing director of the powerful ACL said the government had ignored his warnings in the lead up to the 2017 plebiscite and passage of same-sex marriage laws.  "They ploughed ahead with the change the definition of the marriage based on the Yes campaign saying there were no consequences, " Mr Shelton told Sky News on Thursday night. "I'm going to say that was a lie and not true. Massive consequences have emerged since the legislation. There's big complications and implications for people's freedom of speech and freedom of religion and parents' rights about gender indoctrination at schools."  LGBTQ deny any consequences and mock any evidence, lie about any situation that question thei

Acceptance of same-sex gay relationships falls for first time in decades since Aids crisis

Britain’s liberalism towards same-sex relationships has declined for the first time in nearly 40 years, with experts suggesting levels of tolerance have peaked and many now see homosexuality for what it really is. Reality has set in. It is a chosen lust-filled lifestyle with a dominating agenda and it is clearly unhealthy, against biology, common sense and simply wrong.  The language of 'hate, bigots and wrong side of history' type tactics are used to silence any opposition, but people are waking up to these bully tactics.  In 1983 in the UK eight out of 10 people said homosexual relationships were wrong at a time when leaflets about HIV and AIDS were posted through people’s doors warning: ‘Don’t die of ignorance’.  But acceptance of lesbian, gay and bisexual Britons has steadily risen, reaching 68 percent in 2017. Last year, however, that figure dropped to 46 percent for the first time. A dramatic drop due to the militancy of the gay agenda. The British Social Att

Polyamory is for Pre-Teens in Public Schools. Oh, Really?

The world recently learned that the American Psychological Association promotes “polyamory,” “swinging,” and “relationship anarchy.” Their experts say it’s healthy and ethical. They’re crazy. Leftists who run our nation’s public schools love to hide behind the skirts of the APA when it comes to crazy Sex Ed. How long it would take for them to push polyamory on the pubertal?  They already do. Targeting California Kids It was a California teacher who discovered the “LGBT Consensual Non-Monogamy Task Force.” She was reviewing the state department of education’s “health” lesson mandates for the fall and stumbled across a term she didn’t know. She went to look it up and was led to the APA. California instructs teachers to talk to youngsters about sex “partners.” They are to avoid terms like “boyfriend” and “girlfriend” because “some students may be non-monogamous.”  This is in the lesson plan for 12-year olds. There it is. The APA reaching its crusty paw all the way down to

The Great Transgender Mistake

The great enemy of the radical transgender movement is science. Biological realities can be stubborn, and no amount of human tampering can change those realities. When it comes to compassion, we have plenty of that. We want to see people freed from their internal pain. We want to see them find a resolution for the emotional torment they’re experiencing. We want our friends and co-workers and family members, especially our children, to be happy. But no amount of compassion can change biological and chromosomal realities. That is why the transgender movement is starting to hit a wall. Science is against it. Again, as I’ve stated many times, we’re not talking about those who are intersex. That is, those who suffer from a biological or chromosomal abnormality. We’re talking about biological and chromosomal males who believe they are females or vice versa. Far More Research Needed, Doctors Say Now, physicians in England are speaking up. As the Daily Mail reported on July 6,

Homosexuality and Bad Bible Interpretation

When Matthew Vines’ book God and the Gay Christian came out in 2014, I could hardly have imagined how much of an impact it would have among evangelicals. Nevertheless, it has had an impact. Some of the high-profile evangelicals (e.g. Jen Hatmaker) who have come out affirming gay marriage have done so on the basis of arguments found in Vines’ book. Among the ideas from Vines’ book that I still see gaining purchase among evangelicals is a particular hermeneutical oddity that Vines draws from Jesus’ teaching about “trees” and “fruit” in Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus says, Every good tree bears good fruit; but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. Whereas Jesus applies this to false teachers, Vines applies the principle in a way that goes against the way Jesus intended it. Vines writes,

British approval of homosexuality dips, even as religious affiliation declines

According to the newest British Social Attitudes Survey, Britons’ acceptance of homosexual activity has declined for the first time since 1987 and the onset of the AIDS crisis. In 1983, the British Social Attitudes Survey (BSA) found that eight out of every 10 persons surveyed considered sexual relations between persons of the same sex objectionable. Until now, the number of Britons who are indifferent or accepting of sodomy has increased. The latest survey, however, found that the number of Britons accepting sodomy as normal has fallen.  According to the latest numbers, about one third of those surveyed are opposed to sodomy. The study has been conducted since the 1980s to study longitudinal changes in social attitudes. “The liberalisation in attitudes to sexual relationships observed since first recorded by BSA in the 1980s appears to be slowing down,” said the National Center for Social Research, “perhaps reflecting the marked divides between the attitudes of religious and non-

Get Outraged and Stay Outraged

There are some things so wrong that we cannot allow ourselves to get used to them. We must always be outraged over them. Always grieved over them. We can never accept them as the new status quo. The drag queen assault on our children is one of those things. I’m talking about the celebration of little children in drag. I’m talking about drag queens dancing for our children (and reading stories to them). I’m talking about children posing with naked (or nearly naked) drag queens. This is unacceptable. This is perverse. This is outrageous. Coming After Our Children It was bad enough when this stuff happened at gay pride parades. It was even worse when it started to happen in our community libraries. Yes, you ought to be outraged. Now it has even entered houses of worship. As a June 24 headline announced , “Drag Queen Reads During Worship Service as Cincinnati Church Celebrates Pride Month.” As reported, “Following the song ‘God Welcomes All’ by the church choir, [Dad] Davidson [who was