
Romanian Orthodox Church supports constitutional amendment to protect marriage

The influential Romanian Orthodox Church is strongly backing a constitutional amendment to define marriage as between one man and one woman. Last week, a bill was submitted to legislators for a referendum to amend the Romanian Constitution in a vote to be held on the same day as parliamentary elections.   The church dramatically demonstrated both its influence and the overwhelming popular support for natural marriage by garnering the signatures of three million citizens for the amendment. Romanian Orthodox priests and bishops throughout the country helped spearhead the petition drive, proactively and publicly urging parishioners to sign. Romanian Patriarch Daniel said the faithful — who constitute more than 85 percent of the citizens — “ must support   the Church’s effort to protect the natural, traditional and universal family, and resist some new family models that consider the natural woman-man union only one model among others”. But the measure is not without opp

The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and they’re definitely not happy about it

Those who are setting our so-called “values”, such as the small but powerful group of academics, mainstream media, and homosexual activists, do so by attempting to impose strange myths and ideas that have no scientific basis. These myths include the one that homosexuals are “born that way”, can’t change, and must be accepted for “who they are”. Further, those claiming they are a different gender than that with which they were born, i.e. the transgendered, who “feel” they belong to other than their gender at birth, must be accepted as such. The public is supposed to put aside its intelligence and common sense, and respectfully bow collectively in obeisance to these “expert” opinions. These opinions, however, are complete and utter hogwash. We know instinctively that they are not authentic, or worthy of our belief. However, the myth-makers attempt to force their nonsense on us by the heavy hand of the law, claiming that it’s “discrimination” to refuse to accept the myths as t

Gay activists want Canadians to pay them for past ‘discrimination’: here’s why we shouldn’t

Homosexual activists are pressuring the federal Liberal government for new demands.  These include, among others:  Apologizing to homosexuals who were convicted of the criminal offence of gross indecency for committing homosexual acts ;  Apologizing to homosexuals who were dismissed from the public service or discharged from the military because of their homosexual acts; and  Awarding compensation for the above reasons.  This would involve individual compensation and/or funding for programs or services.  Alleged discrimination towards homosexuals in Canada , however, can be clearly distinguished from the treatment shown other groups. There is a long list of discriminatory policies by previous governments, for which the Canadian government has since apologized.  For example, some groups were denied admission to Canada and even if a few were admitted, they were denied full citizenship rights.  To cite some examples:  The Chinese Head Tax of $5

University admissions officer calls traditional natural marriage supporters ‘pieces of trash’

George Mason University (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If you believe in traditional, natural marriage, then you are “piece of useless trash” in the opinion of an assistant admissions officer at George Mason University , a Virginia public school just 15 miles from the nation’s capital. The National Organization for Marriage wants GMU to disavow Andrew Bunting’s comments so as not to give prospective applicants with conservative, Christian, heterosexual values the idea they aren’t welcome. “We want the university to publicly repudiate the remarks,” NOM’s Joseph Grabowski said. “Right now, the clear implication of the comments, when they come from the admissions officer, is that they won’t be welcome if they hold conservative views on marriage.” Bunting, an assistant admission officer at the university, was responding to NOM’s triumphant blog posted the day after the federal election, which “heartily” congratulated Donald Trump and his team on their “incredible win.” In the blog,

American Philosophers’ Association: Must accept gay ‘marriage’ – disagreement now means discrimination

The American Philosophical Association (APA), "the premier philosophical learned society in North America ," has revised its Code of Conduct for professional philosophers to exclude gender-identity dissent by labeling disagreement as "discrimination." Unnamed members of the association petitioned the APA to update its code of conduct to include discrimination based on "gender identity." The APA's board approved the updated code of conduct. "The American Philosophical Association rejects as unethical all forms of discrimination based on … sexual orientation (and) gender identification ,” the new code reads. The code specifically forbids "discrimination" for "integrally connected" behavior, such as "sexual conduct expressive of a sexual orientation," and " same-sex marriage ." "The only way that the APA can demand that all philosophers and others bow to the politically correct creed tha

ACLU sues Kim Davis, Kentucky county to recoup $233K in legal fees from gay ‘marriage’ license battle

The American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky (ACLU) filed a federal lawsuit last Monday against Kim Davis and Rowan County , demanding $233,058 in expenses for suing to force Davis to sign her name to same-sex "marriage" licenses. The Rowan County clerk is called a hero by some and a villain by others after she refused to sign homosexual "marriage" licenses in 2015 because she sincerely believed that doing so would imply her consent and participation in something the Bible deems sinful.   U.S. District Judge David Bunning incarcerated Davis for a week, jailing her for "contempt" because she held to her religious convictions.   After serving the jail time, Davis took the names of county clerks off the licenses. She was granted that accommodation, first by the governor's executive order and then by legislation. But that did not satisfy gay activists, and the -  ACLU sued to force Davis to violate her conscience by issuing the old mar

Are Italy’s earthquakes divine retribution for approving gay unions?

English: Pope John Paul II at a Papal Audience on 17 July, 1985—St. Peter's Square, Vatican City. Behind him, Camillo Cibin, former Inspector General of the Vatican Gendarmerie. Français : Jean-Paul II, Pape de l’Église catholique romaine, à la place Saint-Pierre en 1985) Italiano: Giovanni Paolo II in Piazza San Pietro per l'audizione del 17 luglio 1985. Dietro di lui Camillo Cibin, Ispettore Generale della Gendarmeria Vaticana. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A dispute has arisen in Italy following a comment made on Radio Maria by Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, a respected and accomplished Dominican theologian, who said the devastating earthquakes that have struck central Italy this year are God ’s punishment for the country legalizing homosexual unions in July. “Let’s call it divine punishment,” Father Cavalcoli said, according to Italian media (his precise remarks are more moderate when put in context, see below). Last Sunday, a massive 6.6-magnitude earthquake destroyed