
HGTV responds to LGBT ‘witch hunt’ against Chip and Joanna Gaines

HGTV logo premiered on March 1, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) HGTV has issued a statement affirming its commitment to the " LGBT community " after its stars Chip and Joanna Gaines came under fire from the left for attending a church that believes in man-woman marriage. Chip alluded to the situation on Twitter with a Bible verse about keeping the faith. "We don’t discriminate against members of the LGBT community in any of our shows," the network's statement said. "HGTV is proud to have a crystal clear, consistent record of including people from all walks of life in its series." On Thursday night , HGTV tweeted a graphic congratulating Chip and Joanna on their series' "record-breaking" season premiere. "We can't wait for the rest of the season!" it said. The controversy began when a Buzzfeed piece " exposed " the Gaines' pastor for preaching a Biblical view on marriage and sexuality. The cou

The world of confused homosexual holiness

Here's an example of a depraved mind of Romans 1:28   trying to appear righteous and holy:  "I am currently planning my wedding, and I’ve never been happier. I believe that God brought me and Andy together and that God celebrates our love. I also believe that our marriage will offer a powerful testimony to skeptics that queer love can be God-honoring, and even sacramental. I have heard from a few well-meaning Christian friends that they feel they can’t attend my ceremony. I think that’s silly, I think it’s theologically misguided, and it hurts me deeply because it makes it seem as if they care more about abstract principles than me, their friend and family member." The gay writer goes on:  I do not think these conservatives should be shamed or mocked. I do not think they should be fired. And I certainly do not think they should be the butt of a popular BuzzFeed article. I’m referring to Chip and Joanna Gaines , a husband-and-wife team whose series “Fixer Upper”

Salvation Army supports Homosexual agenda

The Salvation Army logo (Anglophone Version) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Salvation Army has backed away from the controversial Safe Schools Coalition after its ­surprise support of the program sparked a backlash from ­mem­bers. Just a fortnight after the ­Salvation Army’s Victorian branch strongly supported the program, the organisation has quietly released a revised national statement. “Whilst acknowledging such positive outcomes (to address bullying ), the Salvation Army cannot unconditionally support the Safe Schools programs in Australia in their current form,’’ the statement says. “We believe there needs to be consideration and refinement to the scope and form of implementation.” The Salvation Army, one of the world’s largest Christian ­welfare organisations, was inundated with complaints from members in the days after it ­publicly ­declared support for Safe Schools Homosexual promotion program last month. Several members of Victoria’s Liberal opposition, incl

Australia Salvation Army huge mistake

In the past 14 days the Salvation Army (Victorian Branch  AKA Liberals) received heaps of flak from folks in Australia and overseas, so much so that the National Salvo leadership was forced to step in and order a review of the whole sad episode. As a result, TSA has gone from complete (Victorian) support of this wretched program to qualified (National) support. That is a small but welcome step. Of course the Victorian Salvo leadership should never have gone down this path in the first place. Just what were they thinking? A filthy and perverted pro-homosexual indoctrination program created by an avowed Marxist is something they could wholeheartedly support and endorse? Seriously? So we are indeed grateful that so many ordinary believers let their concerns be known to the Salvos, and that they saw the need to take a somewhat new direction on all this. That is good news and that is clearly an answer to probably millions of pra

BuzzFeed shaming Pastors against homosexual sin

Things are going absolutely nuts with the Christophobes in the West . They are so full of hate for any believer who dares to take his faith seriously, especially in the public arena, that they have launched an all-out war on the faith. They are on a search and destroy mission to hunt down and silence all public believers. And they are doing all this in the name of tolerance, diversity and acceptance of course. The secular left and the militant homosexual lobby are as intolerant and nasty as you can get. A recent example of this involves how a much loved American television couple has been treated, simply because they go to church! I kid you not. The American private Internet media company BuzzFeed is at the centre of all this. Their headline and subtitle say it all: “Chip And Joanna Gaines’ Church Is Firmly Against Same-Sex Marriage.” “Their pastor considers homosexuality to be a ‘sin’ caused by abuse — whether the Fixer U

Australia: Banning Real Help for Those Seeking Change

The Victorian government recently passed a bill which would ban those seeking to provide help for those who want to deal with their unwanted same-sex attractions . This dangerous bill would likely have escaped the attention of most folks, but the homosexual community was fully aware of it. One homosexual website for example said this when the bill was first mooted: A new bill set to crack down on dodgy health practitioners such as gay conversion therapists will be introduced to the Victorian Parliament today. The introduction of a proposed new complaints system has been described as “tough” by Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy (pictured) who says existing loopholes will be filled with “some pretty tough new powers”.   “We’ve had a number of challenges in terms of the sorts of services people have been provided and no legislative tools to really respond to it. We’re taking action to crack down on dangerous health practitioners who take advantage of vulnerable Vict

Ontario unanimously passes radical LGBT bill redefining parent-child relationship

Bill 28, which redefines the family to appease LGBTQ activists, was passed unanimously in the Ontario legislature Tuesday by 79 MPPs from all three parties, with 28 MPPs absent for the vote. According to Campaign Life Coalition , Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown   pressured   his MPPs to either vote for the bill or absent themselves. Pro-family groups have criticized the Liberal government for ramming through the controversial "All Families Are Equal Act." Bill 28 “completely turns on its head the former understanding of ‘family’ which consisted of individuals united by marriage, blood and adoption,” noted Gwen Landolt of REAL Women in an   October 16 critique . The All Families Are Equal Act legally redefines “mother” and “father” as “parent” to accommodate homosexual couples who conceive children through reproductive means “It gets rid of 'mother' and 'father' in family law — mum entirely — to allow for a purely contractual rel