
Medical establishment has betrayed children, parents with transgender insanity

I have a dream.  In my dream, hundreds of parents, doctors, counselors, are protesting outside children's hospitals throughout America. They keep protesting, not just for one day, but for months. They march in front of Lurie Children's in Chicago, Boston Children's, Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, San Francisco Benioff Children's Hospital, Nationwide Children's in Columbus, Cincinnati Children's, Children's Medical Center in Dallas and unfortunately, many, many others. Through faces of anguish, outrage, and determination, the spirit of truth prevails. They carry signs with messages like these: "Stop mutilating young bodies!" "Your white coats hide black hearts!" "Gender 'change' is impossible! Stop the abuse!" "Keep Big Pharma hormones out of my child's body!" "Malpractice suits ahead — stop the gender train!" I dream of siblings who will bravely carry placards reading, &qu

Stop cramming LGBT propaganda down the throats of ex-homosexuals and ex-transgenders

June, the formerly wonderful month marking the beginning of summer, is now a dreadful 30-day ordeal during which corporate America, news and social media compete to display their “wokeness,” relentlessly force-feeding us LGBT propaganda whether we like it or not.   Many don’t like it. Those of us who formerly lived as gays, lesbians, and transgender men and women are especially appalled by it. The rainbow flag is not an emblem of freedom; it is an offensive symbol of bondage, bondage that eats away at the souls of men and women who are unable to  escape  the  dark dominion  it represents.   Here’s a brief sampling of what Facebook – and many of the companies I now only begrudgingly patronize – tried to cram down my throat day after day during June: Our hometown Washington Nationals struck out on Facebook    Facebook Screenshot Our Electric Company’s shocking Facebook promotion.      Facebook Screenshot Colgate toothpaste’s ad on Facebook left a bad taste in

The truth about so-called ‘conversion therapy’

In light of the latest attack on sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE), namely, Amazon’s  banning of books  on the subject, we do well to separate fact from fiction.  Are these change efforts really so dangerous? Should they be banned and even criminalized? According to the critics, “conversion therapy” is dangerous and harmful because it tries to change something that cannot be changed, akin to trying to change a lefthanded person into a righthanded person.  As expressed in California’s  SB 1172 , which was signed into law in 2012 and criminalized SOCE for minors,  “Sexual orientation change efforts pose critical health risks to lesbian, gay, and bisexual people, including confusion, depression, guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, shame, social withdrawal, suicidality, substance abuse, stress, disappointment, self-blame, decreased self-esteem and authenticity to others, increased self-hatred, hostility and blame toward parents, feelings of anger and betrayal, loss of fr

Guardian Incorrect View on Religious Liberty

The Guardian gets everything wrong about Christianity. It is a pro-LGBTQ online left-leaning news site. Their opening quote is riddled with lies.  "Conservative religious believers, of whom there are perhaps 4 billion in the world today, mostly Christians and Muslims, still suppose that homosexuality is sinful."   Well, it is sinful not because of personal beliefs, but beliefs based on scripture. The Bible clearly states homosexuality is a sin. Biological design of our bodies affirms homosexuality is not natural but a lifestyle choice based on lust emerging from a sinful heart.  Sometimes their belief is an expression of genuine hatred; sometimes it is an unconsidered expression of belonging in a prejudiced society. In countries where this is a generally accepted prejudice, they probably don’t think about it much. In countries where gay people are accepted and affirmed as equals, fundamentalists have to think more carefully. Some retain their beliefs but place them

Penny Wong (lesbian in ssm) claims Israel Folau faith is wrong

Penny Wong is a Labor Senator for the Australian Government. She is a lesbian woman in fake homosexual marriage to another woman with a child. She claims to be a Christian. Here is her statement to Israel Folau. Israel Folau is a footballer and Christian. He was sacked because he posted on Facebook a quote from 1 Corinthians 6.  Raelene Cole CEO of Rugby Australia sacked him for quoting the Bible but in particular, was offended by God including homosexuality as a sin that prohibits eternal life.   1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.  Verse 11 then says:  And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our Go

Church of England to accept gay marriage if one changes gender after wedding - stupid!

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN NON-BIBLE BELIEVING PEOPLE RUN A CHURCH The Church of England says it will accept same-sex marriage, but only if the spouses were a man and woman before changing gender.  What a foolish non-biblical incoherent statement! The advice means couples will be under no pressure from the church to divorce if one of the transitions. Transgender activists have called the significant shift in direction ‘encouraging’ but accuse the church of still not accepting gender reassignment. The change was revealed ahead of today’s General Synod of bishops – the national assembly of the Church of England.  THIS IS SIMPLY MADNESS. A question on whether the church would accept a marriage involving a transgender person is one of more than 100 to be addressed at today’s meeting in York. Prudence Dailey, the churchwarden of Oxford’s St Michael at the North Gate, asked if the church’s definition of marriage as a ‘lifelong and exclusive union between one man and one woman’ s

Priest in rainbow colors celebrates ‘pride’ Mass outside Stonewall Inn’s gay bar

A Catholic priest wearing a rainbow stole celebrated a pro-homosexual “pride” Mass outside New York’s Stonewall Inn, a historic gay bar, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the riots against police that gave birth to the “gay rights” movement.  On the table that served as an altar, there was a bouquet of flowers that imitated the rainbow flag of the LGBTQ movement. On the fence that forms the perimeter of the park that has been designated a National Historic Landmark by the federal government, there were gay pride flags fluttering. Nearby, gay pride flags, clothing, and paraphernalia were available for purchase from street vendors.  A video of the event shows men kissing and taking photos of themselves in front of the famed tavern.  The June 27 Mass was celebrated by Father Gilbert Martinez, the former pastor  St. Paul the Apostle parish , which has long had an LGBTQ-affirming ministry known as Out at St. Paul’s.  “Pride is a moment of grace,” the priest  said