
Christians who back gay ‘marriage’ tend to accept other sexual sins: researcher

English: Another version of the same-sex marriage map. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A well-known sociological researcher has analyzed a massive study of American attitudes on culture and relationships and found that churchgoing Christians who say they support legalized same-sex “marriage” are more likely to support abortion, pornography, premarital sex , marital infidelity, and divorce as well. In light of the increasing number of mainline Protestant denominations choosing to ordain homosexual clergy and give their blessings to same-sex unions, Austin Institute sociologist Mark Regnerus wanted to know: “What is the sexual and relational morality of Christians who accept the moral legitimacy of same-sex marriages . … What exactly do pro-same-sex-marriage Christians think about sex and relationships in general?” Using data from the Austin Institute’s “ Relationships in America ” study, Regnerus analyzed regular churchgoers, defined as those who reported attending religi

Canadian Teachers Federation honors grade 5 teacher for pushing gay agenda despite parent backlash

The Canadian Teachers Federation honored a Manitoba teacher last month for promoting acceptance of homosexuality in his grade 5 classroom despite opposition from parents . Peter Wohlgemut, who teaches at West Park School in the predominantly Mennonite community of Altona, faced backlash after displaying a card in his classroom proclaiming himself an “ally.” "Peter Wohlgemut is a role model for all educators in Canada to stand up in the face of hate mongering and be the public face for progressive change in public education," the Canadian Teachers Federation states in the brochure for its annual general meeting on July 9-11, where they gave him a Special Recognition Award. According to the CTF , Wohlgemut participated in a training session at the Rainbow Resource Centre in Winnipeg and upon finishing the course was given an "ally" training certificate which he put up in his classroom. The card features a rainbow and the words “As an Ally, I support lesbia

Gay Bullies reveal names from petition

English: Annise Parker, Houston Mayor. Español: Annise Parker, la alcaldesa de Houston (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Backers of a Houston city ordinance banning discrimination based on “sexual orientation” and “ gender identity ” have published the names of 31,000 pro-family citizens who signed a petition opposing the ordinance because they believed it violated freedom of religion and conscience. The city council passed the  ordinance , which applies to companies with 15 or more employees, in May with the support of openly lesbian Mayor Annise Parker . The council voted 11-6 in support and Parker signed it on May 28. Due to "a public emergency" being declared in Section 6 of the ordinance, it was to take effect on June 28. However, the No UNequal Rights coalition -- led by city religious leaders -- argued that the issue should be put to voters this fall. On July 3, they sent a petition with more than 31,000 signatures to the city secretary, far more than the minimu

Vicky Beeching Gospel singer - chooses to walk in the sins of the flesh

The article below is from Christianity Today. It is important to realize that every Christian may experience various sexual feelings, even homosexual feelings. For males to feel sexual attraction to others females when married. But scriptures informs us clearly, that we are to walk in the Spirit and we will not fulfill these desires of the flesh. The desires may come from flesh, our fallen nature, temptation and even Satan. But most likely, they come from our old nature. When saved, we now have a choice (before we didn't) - we can choose to walk in the Spirit. Is it easy? No It is often difficult, hard a grind, with temptations increasing daily. You may have hands laid on you, demons cast out but really, it is the struggle of the flesh. When solid biblical teaching is missing, people get confused, hurt and broken. Just replace gay homosexual feelings with adultery, pride, jealousy, murder, all sins of the flesh.  You can even be serving God, worship leading, a

New York Times reporter: ‘Anti-LGBT’ people ‘deserve’ incivility

English: Angry woman. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) As  I recounted Monday at The Daily Signal , The New York Times reporter Josh Barro thinks some people are “unworthy of respect.” Yesterday Barro doubled-down and tweeted back at me that “some people are deserving of incivility.” He argued that I am such a person because of my views about marriage policy. You can see the entire exchange  on my twitter page . What Josh Barro says or does doesn’t really affect me. I’m not a victim, and I’ll keep doing what I do. But incivility, accepted and entrenched, is toxic to a political community. Indeed, civility is essential for political life in a pluralistic society. It also has deep roots. The Hebrew Bible tells us that all people are made in the image and likeness of God and have a profound and inherent dignity. Sound philosophy comes to a similar conclusion: as rational beings capable of freedom and love, all human beings have intrinsic and inestimable worth. And so we should al

The Fourth Circuit gets it fundamentally wrong on marriage

Map of the geographic boundaries of the various United States Courts of Appeals and United States District Courts. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) On Monday a divided three-judge panel of the  U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Richmond upheld a federal district court ’s decision from February 2014 declaring Virginia ’s male-female marriage definition to be unconstitutional. In  Bostic v. Schaeffer , the Court of Appeals ruled that Virginia’s “ Marriage Laws ,” including its electorally-enacted constitutional provision defining marriage, “warrant strict scrutiny due to their infringement of the fundamental right to marry.” Upon further analysis the court’s majority opinion, written by Judge Henry Floyd and joined by Judge Roger Gregory , concluded that these marital provisions were not supported by a sufficiently strong rationale to withstand heightened constitutional scrutiny. The key fighting ground between the court’s majority and the dissenter, Judge Paul Niemeyer,

UK activist: ‘under-fives’ should be taught to ‘celebrate’ homosexuality

Crowd in support of Gay Marriage (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Under-fives should have materials in their preschools “celebrating” homosexuality and teaching them about “ gay marriage ,” the new head of Britain’s powerful homosexualist lobby has said. “I think the next step is about going into preschools. I know from all my godchildren that the quality of children’s books depicting difference is dire. We need to encourage [under-fives] to think about different families. Loads of kids these days have two mums or two dads – or at least gay uncles and aunts.” In an interview  in the Independent , Ruth Hunt said that Stonewall is ready to commission “a suite of books that celebrates difference in all its forms.” “I really want to commission – and this is something we’ve got to talk about as an organisation – a suite of books that celebrates difference in all its forms for under-fives,” Hunt said. “With different families in it but also mixed-race people and sent into every pres